Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- algos_divers (teachi…gappchim)
- algos_entiers (teach…appchim)
- algos_graphes (teach…appchim)
- altair_simple (teach…appchim)
- analyse_images (teach…appchim)
- attracteur_lorenz (tea…pchim)
- bioinformatic (teach…appchim)
- bokeh_simple (teachi…gappchim)
- calcul_matriciel_2012 (t…him)
- chempy (teaching:progappchim)
- chemspipy (teachin…ogappchim)
- codes_presentation (tea…pchim)
- collection_counter_exemple
- collection_namedtuple_exemple
- conversion_temperature_2011
- courbe_predominance_acide_2013
- csv (teaching:progappchim)
- dictionaries_adn_arn_protein
- dictionary_adn_protein
- diffusion_chimique_1d (t…him)
- elements_molecules (tea…pchim)
- ensemble_mandelbrot_2013
- entropie_melange (teac…ppchim)
- epidemie_coronavirus (te…chim)
- factorielle (teachi…gappchim)
- factorielle-2 (teach…appchim)
- factorielle-3 (teach…appchim)
- factorielle-4 (teach…appchim)
- fit_modele_einstein (te…chim)
- fizz_buzz (teachin…ogappchim)
- game_of_life_conway-2012
- gaz_parfait_2011 (teac…ppchim)
- glossaire_chimie (teac…ppchim)
- grille_configurations_melange_binaire_2013
- jupyter (teaching:progappchim)
- koch_snowflake (teach…appchim)
- lennard-jones (teach…appchim)
- math_nombres (teachi…gappchim)
- matplotlib_simple (tea…pchim)
- matrices (teaching…rogappchim)
- maxwell-boltzmann (tea…pchim)
- mendeleev (teachin…ogappchim)
- multilateration (teac…ppchim)
- nim (teaching:progappchim)
- notions_avancees (teac…ppchim)
- notions_fondamentales (t…him)
- numpy_simple (teachi…gappchim)
- openbabel_jmol (teach…appchim)
- open_chemical_databases
- osm_interrogation (tea…pchim)
- pandas (teaching:progappchim)
- parsing_chemical_formula
- pavage_penrose_2013 (te…chim)
- periodical_table_electronegativity
- ph-3d (teaching:progappchim)
- ph_acides_bases_2013 (te…chim)
- ph_courbe_titrage_2011
- pieges (teaching:progappchim)
- plotly_simple (teach…appchim)
- plot_sinus_cosinus (tea…pchim)
- polynomes (teachin…ogappchim)
- polynomes-2 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-3 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-4 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-5 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-6 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-7 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-7-contrib1 (te…chim)
- polynomes-8 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-9 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-10 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-11 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-12 (teachi…gappchim)
- polynomes-bonus (teac…ppchim)
- ppoo (teaching:progappchim)
- presentation_principes
- pressions_partielles_systemes_non_ideaux
- print_format (teachi…gappchim)
- pubchempy (teachin…ogappchim)
- pygal_simple (teachi…gappchim)
- pylab_simple (teachi…gappchim)
- random_walk_2d-simple (t…him)
- rdkit (teaching:progappchim)
- recherches (teachin…ogappchim)
- regression_lineaire_2013
- representation_molecules_2013
- scikit_learn (teachi…gappchim)
- scipy_simple (teachi…gappchim)
- slices (teaching:progappchim)
- solubilite_ph_t (teac…ppchim)
- solvents_data_class (te…chim)
- start (teaching:progappchim)
- suite_de_fibonacci (tea…pchim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-2 (te…chim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-3 (te…chim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-4 (te…chim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-5 (te…chim)
- t-test (teaching:progappchim)
- tableau_periodique_2011
- tableau_periodique_2013
- testjs (teaching:progappchim)
- tkinter_gui_simple (tea…pchim)
- tris (teaching:progappchim)
- trucs_astuces (teach…appchim)
- urllib (teaching:progappchim)
- histogramme_simple (tea…llery)
- ir_spectrum_co (teach…gallery)
- pka_pkb_plane (teach…gallery)
- potentiel_energy_surface
- potentiel_morse (teac…allery)
- rotateur_biatomique (te…lery)
Résultats plein texte:
- notions_fondamentales
- //|Python If-Else Statement in One Line — Ternary Operator Explained - Single-line conditionals in Python? Here’s when to and when NOT to use them]]... uence "chaîne de caractères". <code python> for i in range(11): print(i, i**2, i**3) </code> //Cf
- calcul_matriciel_2012
- n=len(M) result=[] Rep=[] for i in range(Mlin): if i!=m: for j in range(Mlin): if j!=n: ... # ligne ou n ième colonne for k in range(0,len (result),Mlin-1): la transposée de la matrice""" s=[] for i in range(len(n[0])): #correspond à la dimension de l
- matplotlib_simple
- ,3.,5.,7.,11.,13.,17.,19.] serie_y1 = [x**2 for x in serie_x] # ces lignes utilisent la technique ... "liste en compréhension" serie_y2 = [x**1.5 for x in serie_x] # pour définir efficacement une liste ... ., 7., 11., 13., 17., 19.] serie_y1 = [x**2 for x in serie_x] serie_y2 = [x**1.5 for x in serie_x] plt.xlim(0, 20.) #les limites suivant x plt.ylim(-5,
- notions_avancees
- /techtofreedom/7-levels-of-using-the-zip-function-in-python-a4bd22ee8bcd|7 Levels of Using the Zip Function in Python]] * itertools.cycle() est une méthode ut...]] * [[ [|Return VS Yield
- pandas
- s-cheat-sheet|Pandas Cheat Sheet for Data Science in Python]] ===== Applications, exemples ===== ===... v11n2/datasets.heinz.html|Exploring Relationships in Body Dimensions]]. Extensions : * Tester et ut... e spaces names = [name.replace(' ', '_') for name in names] print(names) namesfr = [ 'Largeur des... s://
- epidemie_coronavirus
- ttps://|SEIR model]] * [[ht... n of the number of Coronavirus Disease 2019 cases in Wuhan, China]] → paramètres pour le COVID-19 * ...|Getting data about Coronavirus with Python in Italy]] Posted by pythonprogramming on 26/02/2020
- bioinformatic
- thode .count() bases = ["A","C","G","T"] for base in bases: print(adn.count(base),) print() # Variante : for c in 'ACGT': print(adn.count(c),) print() # variante un peu moins lisible out = [] for c in 'ACGT': out.append(str(adn.count(c))) print('... "list comprehension" count = [adn.count(c) for c in 'ACGT'] for val in count: print(val,) print()
- game_of_life_conway-2012
- d nearest and next-nearest neighbours (calculated in Grid::step). A living cell dies of overcrowding o... fe if it has exactly three neighbours (determined in Cell::setNextState). Iain Haslam, June 2005. ... be rude... self.cells = [] for a in range(0,self.sizex): rowcells = [] for b in range(0,self.sizey): c = Cell(par
- polynomes-10
- t n = len(b) -1 #ordre du polynôme for i in range (n+1): b[i] = b[i] * i #on redéfin... liste dont le premier terme vaut 0. for coef in range(len(a)): #Pour tout les coefficients de ... ordre du polynôme avant intégration +1 for i in range (n): # on balaie sur toutes les puissances... while(len(c)<p+1): c.append(0) for k in range(p+1): # pour toutes les puissanc
- ppoo
- """ Introduction to object-oriented programming in Python Led with number and status attributes """...|How I Explain OOP to a Data Scientist in 5 Minutes]] * [[https://levelup.gitconnected....|Object Oriented
- plotly_simple
- thon-notebook-tutorial/|Jupyter Notebook Tutorial in Python]] * [[|The Next Level of Data Visualization in Python]] * [[
- presentation_principes
- rols=1&show_progress_bar=1&build_all_lists=1&open_in_new_window=1~~ ====== Programmer en Python =====... 1': 8, 'e4': 11, 'e2': 9} >>> d['e4'] 11 >>> 'e7' in d False >>> import operator >>> print(sorted( étition === for === * Commence par for element in sequence : * Le bloc d’instructions qui suit es... print('Structure for') a=range(11) print(a) for n in a: print(n*7) </code> ==== Indentations des
- mendeleev
- e/notebooks/02_tables.ipynb]] (accessing the data in bulk) * [[ = range(1,108), [element(i).ionenergies[1] for i in range(1,108)] for i in range(1,108): print(x[i-1], y[i-1]) plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y) plt.savef... 'éléments, par exemple les 18 premiers for atnum in range(1, 19): print(element(atnum).atomic_num
- algos_entiers
- estions/11175131/code-for-greatest-common-divisor-in-python]] * [[ s à un entier donné """ def isprime(n): for x in range(2,int(n**0.5)+1): if n % x == 0: ... eturn True def primelist(n): return [a for a in range(2,n) if isprime(a)] p=primelist(1000) prin... [ncur]: ncur += 1 return [a for a in li if a != 0] # renvoie une liste avec les éleme
- bokeh_simple
- 20Introduction%20and%20Setup.ipynb|Bokeh tutorial in live Jupyter Notebooks]] * [[|Beautiful and Easy Plotting in Python — Pandas + Bokeh]] A single line of code t... beautiful-and-interactive-line-charts-using-bokeh-in-python-9f3e11e0a16e|Draw Beautiful and Interactiv