Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- changement_climatique (avis)
- anaconda (floss)
- bureau_a_distance (floss)
- commandes_frequentes (floss)
- config_debian_i386_convertir_portable_32bits_en_serveur
- config_raspbian_rpi2 (floss)
- config_raspbian_rpi3 (floss)
- ecrans_multiples (floss)
- gourmand (floss)
- hp_proliant-2021 (floss)
- kanboard (floss)
- 5_conceptions_erronees_courantes_sur_l_apprentissage
- biblio-roxci-arbrandriet-slbretz-umiami-2014
- efficacite_energetique_transport
- ethanol (teaching)
- exos_pourquoi_les_sels_tels_que_le_nacl_se_dissolvent_dans_l_eau
- exos_pourquoi_le_borax_est_il_utilise_comme_standard_primaire
- exos_stoechiometrie_reactions_completes_reactifs_en_quantites_stoechiometriques
- manganese (teaching)
- stackexchange-chimie (te…hing)
- uaa-chim-sb-03-reaction-chimique-quantitative
- uaa-chim-sb-07-chimie-organique
- uaa-chim-sb-08-grandes-classes-reactions-chimiques
- uaa-chim-sg-03-reaction-chimique-quantitative
- uaa-chim-sg-08-molecule-chimie-organique
- uaa-chim-sg-09-macromolecule-chimie-organique
- uaa-chim-sg-10-reactions-avec-transfert-acide-base-oxydoreduction
- uranium (teaching)
- 2d_random_walk_cells (te…exos)
- conformeres_alcanes_lineaires
- entropie_translation (te…exos)
- lancers_consecutifs_de
- lancer_de (teaching:exos)
- lancer_des (teaching:exos)
- lancer_de_polyedre (tea…:exos)
- lancer_pieces (teaching:exos)
- paradoxe_anniversaires
- plus_ca_rate_plus_on_a_de_chance_que_ca_marche
- random_walk-1d-few_steps
- random_walk-1d-many_steps-unsymetric
- simulations_random_walks
- simulations_random_walks_codes
- eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors
- analyse_images (teach…appchim)
- courbe_predominance_acide_2013
- ensemble_mandelbrot_2013
- entropie_melange (teac…ppchim)
- grille_configurations_melange_binaire_2013
- maxwell-boltzmann (tea…pchim)
- notions_avancees (teac…ppchim)
- pandas (teaching:progappchim)
- random_walk_2d-simple (t…him)
- pka_pkb_plane (teach…gallery)
Résultats plein texte:
- articles_didactique_chimie @teaching
- ps://|An Interdisciplinary Practical Project for Preservic... odeling Using Multiple Connected Representations: An Approach to Solving Problems in Chemical Educatio...|Vikings: An Online Cooperative Game for Reviewing Thermochemi... ps://|An Educational Framework for Teaching Chemistry Usin
- psychologie_de_l_education @teaching
- pretesting/prequestions, and more. There is also an extensive body of literature addressing other use... //|An advance organizer for student learning: Choke poi... ttps://|(15) An advance organizer for student learning: Choke poi
- stackexchange-chimie @teaching
- //|Does an onion completely remove “fresh” paint VOCs and ot... ium-carbonate-dissolve-in-water-even-though-it-is-an-ionic-compo|Why doesn't calcium carbonate dissolve in water even though it is an ionic compound?]] * [[http://chemistry.stackexc
- desinformations @teaching
- wp>fr:Hannah Arendt|Hannah Arendt]] (1974) during an interview with the French writer Roger Errera : <... is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody alw...|Hannah Arendt: From an Interview]] Centro de Estudos Hannah Arendt, 4 de janeiro de 2018
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1 @teaching
-|There is an Evidence Crisis in Science Educational Policy]] L...|lie... 021-09646-1|document de 2022]] intitulé "There is an Evidence Crisis in Science Educational Policy", r... encontre des décideurs politiques dans //There is an Evidence Crisis in Science Educational Policy//,
- publis_diverses @teaching
- ps://|An Alternative Experimental Procedure to Determine t... 1/acs.jchemed.9b00405|Total Chemical Footprint of an Experiment: A Systems Thinking Approach to Teachi... acs.jchemed.9b00324|Chemical Curiosity on Campus: An Undergraduate Project on the Structure and Wettab... nting New Educational Platforms in the Classroom: An Interactive Approach to the Particle in a Box Pro
- methcalchim @teaching:methcalchim
-|An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python... /|An Open-Source, Cross-Platform Resource for Nonlinea... oi/abs/10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00639|Fabrication of an Economical Arduino-Based Uniaxial Tensile Tester]...|Fourier Tran
- python @floss
-|An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python... m/how-to-install-python-and-jupyter-notebook-onto-an-android-device-900009df743f|How to Install Python and Jupyter Notebook onto an Android Device - Increase your productivity when ... * [[|An Introduction to Python - The Python Tutorial]] (v
- cuisine_moleculaire @teaching
- tato glycoalkaloids and adverse eVects in humans: an ascending dose study, par Tjeert T. Mensinga et a... 00024 ===== Voir aussi ... ===== * How to make an INSIDE OUT boiled egg * [[ chemists-find-a-way-to-unboil-eggs/|How to unboil an egg...]] * La [[wp>fr:Fermentation_lactique|fer...|Ingredients of an All-Natural Eg
- activestateselection @floss:python
- ussi [[|c... * [[|An Entry with autocompletion for the Tkinter GUI]] * ... * [[|An extensible Con
- 5_conceptions_erronees_courantes_sur_l_apprentissage @teaching
- ritains-maths-policy-simply-doesnt-add-up.html|in an article in The Telegraph]], Jo Boaler contrasts t... I spent at least the next week wondering whether an eruption of soiled water was imminent. Do I now u... se ===== So if simply imitating the behaviour of an expert will not make you an expert, are there other shortcuts available? Clearly, it would be great i
- syntax @wiki
- s. You can either just give a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]]. Internal li... You can either just give a [[pagename]] or use an additional [[pagename|link text]]. [[doku>pagena... </code> ==== Image Links ==== You can also use an image to link to another internal or external pag... uwiki-128.png |This is the caption}} For linking an image to another page see [[#Image Links]] above.
- teaching_ressources_videos @teaching
- ser * [[|FrameTrail]] is an open source software that lets you experience, ma... id (2019) * KiwiMote : control computer using an Android phone/tablet over WiFi. PC-side server ru... [|Ubuntu – How to use an android tablet as a second display – iTecTec]]
- tmp
- oi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00333|CHEMTrans: Playing an Interactive Board Game of Chemical Reaction Aerop... ionship between Conductivity and Concentration in an Interdisciplinary, Computer-Based Project for Hig... on: Magnesium Hydroxide in Milk of Magnesia Using an Inexpensive Digital Balance and Natural Food Dye ... ps://|An Integrated Database of Common Chemicals and Chemi
- adamboxer-approche_pas_a_pas_des_travaux_pratiques @teaching
- '. I'm going to quickly point at everybody who is an A... All right. Put your hand up if you are an A... excellent. When I say go, if you are an A you are going to go and get the sulphuric acid and cop... scientific precept for themselves or to establish an unknown correlation or relationship, taking a **S