Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Pages trouvées :
- connaitre_le_cerveau_pour_mieux_enseigner-stevemasson2016
- dosage_titration (teaching)
- efficacite_energetique_transport
- esprit_critique (teaching)
- exos_batterie_capacite_densite
- exos_enduit_chaux (teaching)
- exos_pourquoi_faut-il_toujours_mettre_l_eau_en_premier_et_l_acide_ensuite
- exos_pourquoi_la_phenolphtaleine_est_un_indicateur_approprie_pour_le_titrage_d_un_acide_fort_par_une_base_forte
- exos_precipitation_magnesium
- exos_stoechiometrie_reactions_completes_reactifs_en_quantites_stoechiometriques
- exos_temperature_fahrenheit-celcius
- initinfo (teaching)
- lithium (teaching)
- systeme_international_d_unites
- uaa-chim-sb-02-reaction-chimique-qualitative
- uaa-chim-sb-03-reaction-chimique-quantitative
- uaa-chim-sg-02-reaction-chimique-qualitative
- uaa-chim-sg-03-reaction-chimique-quantitative
- unites_acquis_apprentissages
- elasticite_caoutchouc_modele_conformationnel
- gaz_imparfait (teaching:exos)
- root-finding_algorithm
- fit_modele_einstein (te…chim)
- gaz_parfait_2011 (teac…ppchim)
- periodical_table_electronegativity
- ph_courbe_titrage_2011
- rdkit (teaching:progappchim)
- scikit_learn (teachi…gappchim)
- solubilite_ph_t (teac…ppchim)
- suite_de_fibonacci (tea…pchim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-2 (te…chim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-3 (te…chim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-4 (te…chim)
- suite_de_fibonacci-5 (te…chim)
Résultats plein texte:
- psychologie_de_l_education
- tation and where possible, a link to the document itself. It doesn’t pretend to be complete nor definitive. Maybe it’s better to call it an educated beginning." <note tip>La liste est destinée à être complétée par de
- desinformations
- ave a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictator... and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not on... hat no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge.
- stackexchange-chimie
- t-calcium-carbonate-dissolve-in-water-even-though-it-is-an-ionic-compo|Why doesn't calcium carbonate dissolve in water even though it is an ionic compound?]] * [[ ://|Is it possible for halogens to show oxidation states le
- articles_didactique_chimie
- ass and Their Ways of Considering and Engaging in It]] * [[ .org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.4c00149|Can You Make it Back to Earth? A Digital Educational Escape Room ...|Will It Rust? A Set of Simple Demonstrations Illustrating... drogen Atom Spectrum: Experimental Analysis Using Iterative Model Building]] * [[https://pubs.acs.or
- 5_conceptions_erronees_courantes_sur_l_apprentissage
- which I will review when I have finished reading it. However, in this necessarily brief post I am go... i/Truthiness|‘truthy’]] in much the same way that it seems reasonable that something must be pushing t... ur of experts ===== This misconception has legs. It is a key driver behind inquiry-based programmes i... owledge that enables them to perform differently. It is easy to underestimate the scale of this. A key
- adamboxer-approche_pas_a_pas_des_travaux_pratiques
- lfate [writes 'copper sulfate' on a MWB and holds it up to the students]. Based on what we have learnt... he MWB and constructs a skeleton word equation so it now reads '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ + sulphuric acid → coppe... t is?... Good, we could use just pure copper, but it's difficult to get that reaction to work. Instead... oxide]. This is copper oxide. Can anyone describe its appearance to me?... This is sulphuric acid; can
- suite_de_fibonacci-5 @teaching:progappchim
- timeit from fibonacci05_fonction import fibonacci_item from fibonacci06_fonctions import fibonacci_item_from_list from fibonacci07_fonction_recursive import fibonacci_item_recursive from fibonacci08_fonction_algo_log import fibonacci_item_logarithmic if __name__ == '__main__': pri
- suite_de_fibonacci-3 @teaching:progappchim
- """ def fibonacci_item(n): """ Renvoie l'élément d'indice n de... """ def fibonacci_item(n): """ Renvoie l'élément d'indice n de... nt("Élément de la suite : "), print(fibonacci_item(i)) print('Premiers éléments de la suite : ... for j in range(10): print(j,fibonacci_item(j)) </code> On peut compléter les fonctionnali
- initinfo
-|BBC News]] * “It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, th... ion : [[]] * Nations particulières * France : * [[ gne : [[]] * Italie : [[]]
- the_need_for_a_theory_of_learning
- d, experiential, adaptive, disruptive and active. It is also brain based, peer based, inquiry based, g... of pedagogical research in the last 20 years, but it has yet to translate into widespread, substantive... and a belief that an intervention will work, and it likely will. Teachers become excited when they tr... hing different and students notice and respond to it. The problem is that the effects are transient; t
- paradoxe_anniversaires @teaching:exos
- e année dans les exemples) poss = 365 # nombre d'items (personnes présentes) n = 40 # solution : p =... hat two of them share a birthday. With 50 people, it's a 97% chance. We could make many other fun exam... Choose a random card from a deck of 52 cards. Put it back, shuffle well, and choose another. Do this f... y than not, you've pulled the same card twice. Do it 16 times, and your chances are over 90%. Try it!
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1
- reply to this assertion and the premises on which it is based. We review the evidence and argue that a... nal Research Review// and published online today. It is imaginatively titled, [[ new paper is open access so I recommend you read it all. It is not overly long. The de Jong paper is also open access. Unfortunately, the original Zhang
- timeline-chimie
- l'eau par Cavendish. \\ Le moine et physiologiste italien Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729 - 1799) étudie l'a... l figure, or any group of points, chiral, and say it has chirality, if its image in a plane mirror, ideally realized, cannot be brought to coincide with itself". | 1883 |Tesla étudie le courant alternat
- tableau_periodique_2011 @teaching:progappchim
- juster la fenêtre listbox.insert(END) for item in tableau[x]: listbox.insert(END,item) quitter = Button(element,text='Quitter',command... #création des boutons du tableau bou_list=[] for item in tableau[1:]: bou=Button(fen1,text=item[1],command=lambda x=item[2]:elem(x),height=2,width=3,b
- tableau_periodique_2013 @teaching:progappchim
- width=40,fg="#070942") elembox.pack() for item in table[int(x)]: elembox.insert(END,item) quitter = Button(element,text='Q... des éléments") # défini le nom de la fenêtre for item in table[1:]: bou=Button(fen1,text=item[0],command=lambda x=item[4] :elem(x),height=3,width=5,b