
Extensions (sélection)

Quelques démonstrations…

Utiliser l'interface via l'icône “ajouter au livre” à droite….

  • heptahydrate du sulfate de fer (II) : FeSO4•7H2O (écrit FeSO4•7H2O sans indices)
une réalité complexe
en observant
Résoudre une situation complexe
par la mise en œuvre de la
démarche scientifique
Investiguer des
pistes de recherche

en expérimentant
Structurer des résultats,
les communiquer, les valider,
les synthétiser

en se documentant

en modélisant

Autres exemples :


<flowchartjs default>

st=>start: Start|past:>https://www.umons.ac.be[blank]
e=>end: End|future:>https://dvillers.umons.ac.be/wiki/
op1=>operation: My Operation|past
op2=>operation: Stuff|current
sub1=>subroutine: My Subroutine|invalid
cond=>condition: Yes
or No?|approved:>https://sdds.umons.ac.be/wiki/
c2=>condition: Good idea|rejected
io=>inputoutput: catch something...|future
cond(yes, right)->c2


Enseignement explicite Approche (socio)constructiviste Approche transmissive
<flowchartjs default>
boxe1=>operation: Modelage:>http://par-temps-clair.blogspot.com/2019/11/modelage-en-enseignement-explicite-mode.html[blank]
boxe2=>operation: Pratique guidée:>http://par-temps-clair.blogspot.com/2018/10/pratique-guidee-en-enseignement.html[blank]
boxe3=>operation: Pratique autonome:>http://par-temps-clair.blogspot.com/2019/11/pratique-autonome-en-enseignement.html[blank]



<flowchartjs default>
boxs1=>operation: Réalisation de la tâche
par les élèves
ou en groupes)
boxs2=>operation: Démonstration des
procédures par
si nécessaire



<flowchartjs default>
boxt1=>operation: Exposé de l'enseignant
boxt2=>operation: Pratique autonome



 * @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * @author  Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
class syntax_plugin_gh extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin

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Cliquez pour masquer ⇱

4ème jusque 2016-2017

  • Constitution de la matière
    • Élement - atome - ion
      • Approche expérimentale du tableau périodique et modèle atomique
        • ions, cations, anions, solutions, solubilités
      • Classification périodique des éléments
      • Modèle atomique simple
        • notion d’isotopes, concept d'électronégativité
        • Évolution du modèle atomique jusqu’au modèle de Bohr
        • Nombre d’Avogadro Mole, masse molaire, volume molaire
    • Molécules - cristaux ioniques
      • La liaison chimique
      • Solutions ioniques : ionisation (dissociation) des substances dans l'eau
      • Concentration et dilution
  • Transformation des substances
    • Fonctions et réactions chimiques, équation bilan
    • Réactions de précipitation, de neutralisation acide-base
  • Notions à acquérir de manière continue lors des points précédents :
    • Nomenclature usuelle de chimie minérale
    • L'utilisation de quelques substances et notions de sécurité
    • Stoechiométrie - relations entre grandeurs physiques (S.I.)
      • relations masses, nombres de moles, volumes de solutions
  • Pratique de laboratoire (pas en sciences de base))

* icalevents


Exemple Google books

Intégration de l'application Trinket

Site web UMONS

Test H5P :

<iframe src=“https://h5p.org/h5p/embed/328387” width=“1090” height=“914” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen=“allowfullscreen” allow=“geolocation *; microphone *; camera *; midi *; encrypted-media *”></iframe><script src=“https://h5p.org/sites/all/modules/h5p/library/js/h5p-resizer.js” charset=“UTF-8”></script>

  • Affiche la liste des extensions installées ou d'autres informations
    • syntaxplugins — Displays a list of available syntax plugins.
    • adminplugins — Displays a list of available admin plugins.
    • actionplugins — Displays a list of available action plugins.
    • rendererplugins — Displays a list of available render plugins.
    • helperplugins — Displays a list of available helper plugins.
Sun, 21 Jul 2024 16:53:50 +0200

FIXME : à comparer, mais semble meilleur que MathJax ??

à remplacer par MathJax ou KaTeX

  • $\ce{2 Mn^2+ + 4 MnO4^- + 6 H2O -> 8 MnO2 + 10 H^+}$
  • $\ce{CO2 + C -> 2 CO}$
  • $\ce{Hg^2+ ->[I-] HgI2 ->[I-] [Hg^{II}I4]^2-}$
  • $\ce{A <=> B}$
  • $\ce{CO3^2-_{(aq)}}$
  • $\ce{Fe^{II}Fe^{III}2O4}$
  • $\ce{$K = \frac{[\ce{Hg^2+}][\ce{Hg}]}{[\ce{Hg2^2+}]}$}$
Vérifier les conversions “entities” : https://www.dokuwiki.org/entities

Similar to <nowiki>text</nowiki>, but linebreaks are preserved (replaced by <br/> in the output, but head and tail linebreaks are trimmmed)

(Line 1) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.
(Line 2) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.
(Line 4) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.

Adds a box like <code>, but long text is auto wrapped.

(Line 1) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.
(Line 2) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.
(Line 4) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.

This plugin adds a “plaintext” style for wrapped text, so you can use it in <code> or <file> box.

<file plaintext>
(Line 1) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.
(Line 2) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.
(Line 4) This is a **long** //long// __long__ long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence.
Les images peuvent être créées à l'aide de Inkscape, https://app.diagrams.net/,…
  • intégration directe (y compris pour des images externes) ?

Snippet de Wikipédia: Wiki

Un wiki est une application web qui permet la création, la modification et l'illustration collaboratives de pages à l'intérieur d'un site web. Il utilise un langage de balisage, le wikitexte, et son contenu est modifiable au moyen d’un navigateur web. C'est un logiciel de gestion de contenu, dont la structure implicite est minimale, tandis que la structure explicite se met en place progressivement en fonction des besoins des usagers.

Le premier wiki, créé en 1995 par Ward Cunningham pour réaliser la section d’un site sur la programmation informatique, fut appelé WikiWikiWeb. En 2021, selon Alexa Internet, le site géré par wiki le plus consulté est Wikipédia.

Snippet de Wikipédia: DokuWiki

DokuWiki is an open source wiki application licensed under GPLv2 and written in the PHP programming language. It works on plain text files and thus does not need a database. Its syntax is similar to the one used by MediaWiki. It is often recommended as a more lightweight, easier to customize alternative to MediaWiki. The 'Doku' in DokuWiki is short for Dokumentation which in German means documentation.

Because DokuWiki does not require a database, it can be installed on local PCs, flash drives, and folders synced with file hosting services or file synchronization programs such as Dropbox or Syncthing.

DokuWiki was created by Andreas Gohr in June 2004. In July the first official release was published on Freshmeat (now known as Freecode).

Originally DokuWiki used a simple list of regular expressions to transform wiki syntax into HTML. A big step forward in the development was the re-design of the parser and the renderer mechanisms based on contributions by Harry Fuecks in January 2005. The new design made use of the then-new object-oriented features of PHP4. The new parser and the introduction of a cache mechanism led to significant performance improvements, thus making DokuWiki usable for larger projects.

The new parser also prepared DokuWiki for the introduction of a generic plugin interface which simplified the development and maintenance of syntax-based plugins. Over the years additional plugin mechanisms followed which allowed 3rd-party developers to extend nearly all aspects of the wiki software.

The introduction of DokuWiki into the Debian and Gentoo Linux distributions in April and July 2005 respectively significantly increased the visibility of the software.

The DokuWiki logo is the result of a design contest. The winning logo, designed by Esther Brunner, represents editing pages (by pencils of different colors, i.e. different people) and linking them.

For many years, DokuWiki's source code was managed through the Darcs distributed version control system. In 2010 a switch to Git was made, making use of GitHub for hosting.

Today, DokuWiki is one of the most popular wiki engines available and has achieved significant usage with stable interest over time.

Since 2011, releases are named after Discworld characters.

Installation and Requirements
DokuWiki requires only a webserver and PHP; no database is needed. It can run on cheap web hosting servers and is usually installed by simply unpacking. Additional plugins may have additional requirements.
Revision control
DokuWiki stores all versions of each wiki page, allowing the user to compare the current version with any older version. The difference engine is the same as the one used in MediaWiki. Parallel editing of one page by multiple users is prevented by a locking mechanism.
Access control
Access control can be handled by a user manager, which allows users and groups of users to be defined, and an access control list in which an administrator user can define permissions on page and namespace level, giving DokuWiki more fine-grained control than Mediawiki. Besides the built-in user management, DokuWiki also provides mechanisms for authentication against databases, LDAP Servers and Active Directory. Other authentication mechanisms are available as plugins.
DokuWiki has a generic plugin interface which simplifies the process of writing and maintaining plugins. There are ~1000 plugins available. These can be easily integrated and managed by an administrator user with the help of the plugin manager.
The appearance of the wiki can be defined by a template. There are various templates provided by the development community.
Internationalization and localization
DokuWiki supports Unicode (UTF-8) and properly handles right-to-left languages, so languages such as Chinese, Thai, and Hebrew can be displayed. DokuWiki can be configured in about 70 languages. Multilingual wikis can be configured through plugins. Users can contribute translations of the DokuWiki software and of plugins through a web interface.
DokuWiki uses a two-level cache mechanism which stores the parsed wiki page in an intermediate serialized format which is then rendered to the desired output format, such as HTML5. This rendered format is cached again. The two levels of caching expire on different conditions. The caching helps to reduce server load and speeds up access to the information.
Full text search
DokuWiki has an integrated indexed search with which a user can search for keywords and phrases on the wiki.
Wiki markup
DokuWiki uses a simple markup language similar to that of MediaWiki. Like MediaWiki it makes use of free links, but CamelCase links can optionally be enabled. WYSIWYG editors are available as plugins.

Some independent software projects based on DokuWiki have been created. These projects usually bundle the DokuWiki software, select plugins, a customized design and sometimes pre-built content for specialized use cases.

  • The EinsatzleiterWiki is a German project, bundling fire fighting knowledge in a package that can be installed in fire departments and then be customized to the needs of the specific department. The wiki is used by the professional fire services of Berlin, Kaiserslautern, Wuppertal and many voluntary fire services in Germany.
  • open|SchulPortfolio is a German project aimed at the internal management of schools. It has been created with input from the ministry of education of the German state of Baden-Würtemberg.
  • ICKEWiki is a redistribution of DokuWiki with a focus on the use in enterprises. It was originally developed in a research project focusing on adding structured data to wikis and making it more usable in industrial production companies.

As required by DokuWiki's license these projects are all licensed under the GPL version 2.

  • List of wiki software
  • Comparison of wiki software
  • Hentzen, Whil; Roche, Ted; Gnacinski, Todd (2018). DokuWiki: A Wiki For Software Developers. Hentzenwerke Publishing. p. 206. ISBN 978-1930919167.
  • Gerner, Jason; Naramore, Elisabeth; Owens, Morgan L.; Warden, Matt (2006). Professional Lamp : Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Web development. Wrox. Wiley. p. 326. ISBN 9780764597237. OCLC 1152984845.
  • Official website

page exemple

Snippet de Wikipédia: Eggs as food

Humans and their hominid relatives have consumed eggs for millions of years. The most widely consumed eggs are those of fowl, especially chickens. People in Southeast Asia began harvesting chicken eggs for food by 1500 BCE. Eggs of other birds, such as ducks and ostriches, are eaten regularly but much less commonly than those of chickens. People may also eat the eggs of reptiles, amphibians, and fish. Fish eggs consumed as food are known as roe or caviar.

Hens and other egg-laying creatures are raised throughout the world, and mass production of chicken eggs is a global industry. In 2009, an estimated 62.1 million metric tons of eggs were produced worldwide from a total laying flock of approximately 6.4 billion hens. There are issues of regional variation in demand and expectation, as well as current debates concerning methods of mass production. In 2012, the European Union banned battery husbandry of chickens.



Jan            01      0405060708      1112131415      1819202122      2526272829         
Fév0102030405      0809101112      1516171819      2223242526                              
Mar0102030405      0809101112      1516171819      2223242526      293031               
Avr         0102      0506070809      1213141516      1920212223      2627282930         
Mai                     0304050607      1011121314      1718192021      2425262728      31
Jun   01020304      0708091011      1415161718      2122232425      282930               
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  • floss/dokuwiki_extensions.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2023/06/27 15:20
  • de villersd