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- articles_didactique_chimie @teaching
- ty Level: Innovative Resources for Future Primary School Teachers]] * [[ Argument-Driven Inquiry Teaching Model in a High School in Northeast China]] * [[ /doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.4c01011|Introducing High School Students to the Amount of Substance, the Mole, an... trochemistry through a Concentration Cell: A High School Laboratory Activity Integrated into a Data Access
- psychologie_de_l_education @teaching
- t équitable.** Source : [[|Top 20 Principles ... ). Version en français : [[ (version en français) : [[ wks' duration in regular elementary and secondary schools indicate that among cooperative learning methods
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- Escape Room Using Genially and WhatsApp for High School Students | Journal of Chemical Education]] * J.... ing: Evaluation of Knowledge Construction in High School]] - [[ quiry with Student-Designed Experiments in a High School Laboratory Course]] - [[ /doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01132|Introducing High School Students to the Avogadro Number and the Mole Conc
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- vocation pédagogique : * [[|Science in School]] * [[|Réseau Idée]] * [[http://www.ralenti... n libre__ cc-by-nc-nd** * [[|Science in School]], en anglais, avec parfois des traductions et sous **licence __non libre__ cc-by-
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- leaves the mouth of the teacher or the pages of a schoolbook and osmotically permeates or perfuses into th... policies, state case study analyses, the 1993-94 Schools and Staffing Surveys (SASS), and the National As... he ways in which teacher qualifications and other school inputs are related to student achievement across ... erf, Bert Creemers, Helen Timperley & Lorna Earl, School Effectiveness and School Improvement - An Interna
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- ng tutorial sur Programiz]] * [[|Python tutorial on basics]], code school (vidéos) * [[ crabble en ligne, multi-joueurs. * [[|Childplay]] : jeux éducatifs * [[http... ogramme de backup avec deduplication * [[|SchoolTool]], logiciel pour la gestion a
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- 0.1021/ed043p267|Chemical Phenomena in Elementary School Science]], Karplus, R. C J. Chem. Educ. 1966, 43,... g/9853/how-people-learn-brain-mind-experience-and-school-expanded-edition|How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School]] The National Research Council, National Academi... oncepts: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Senior High School Student-Centered Instructional Program in Indones
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- w/reading-recovery-program-used-in-960-nsw-public-schools-does-not-work-20151218-glqplg.html|Reading Recovery program used in 960 NSW public schools does not work]] ==== Carrière et cursus univers...|1.3 billion learners are still affected by school or university closures, as educational institutio
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- atic Data Acquisition Using Arduino for Secondary School: Development and Validation with Pre-Service Chem...|Taking School Instrumentation One Step Forward: A Do-It-Yoursel... otebook That Enable Real Time Spectroscopy during School Lessons]] ==== 2021 ==== FIXME * [[https://pub... urate Introductory Gas Density Activity with High School Students]] W. Patrick Cunningham, Christopher Jos
- cuisine_moleculaire @teaching
- edX Harvard Articles : * [[ Zowada, Shuichi Yamashita, Ingo Eilks, science in school issue 36 summer 2016. L'article montre comment fa... lyses sur les champignons : [[
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- ===== Physique ===== * [[|Science Doctor - Secondary school physics worksheets & science teaching resources]] * cf. aussi [[]] ===== Mathématiques ===== ===== Bio
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- Algorithms]] * Articles de la revue "Science in School" : * [[|Bioinformatics with pen and paper:... ozlowski, 07/12/2010 * [[|Using biological d
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