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- inking Water Nitrate and Human Health: An Updated Review]] Mary H. Ward et al, Int J Environ Res Public He... 718313636|Worldwide decline of the entomofauna: A review of its drivers]] Francisco Sánchez-Bayoa, Kris A.... nd noncancer-related outcomes in humans: Umbrella review - PubMed]] * [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go... ed meat consumption and cancer outcomes: Umbrella review - PubMed]] * [[
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- ]] **This special issue of Educational Psychology Review synthesizes the latest findings and insights on t... e Research with Teachers | Educational Psychology Review]] * [[ Follow-Up Learning Tasks | Educational Psychology Review]] **open access** * [[https://link.springer.c... tudying Trump Retrieval? | Educational Psychology Review]] **open access** * [[https://link.springer.c
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- ://|A Review of Research on Learning Activities Addressing the... ://|A Review of Research on the Quality and Use of Chemistry T... in High School Chemistry Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis]] * [[ 20: A Web-Based Board Game for Aiding Students in Review of the Structural Theory of Organic Compounds]]
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1
- article a été publié dans Educational Psychology Review, rédigé par Lin Zhang, Paul Kirschner, William Co... iter, Zacharias C. Zacharia, Educational Research Review, 08/05/2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100536 ... sertion and the premises on which it is based. We review the evidence and argue that a more complete and c... collègues, a été publié dans Educational Research Review. Il s'agit ostensiblement d'une critique du [[htt
- kirschner-how_teaching_happens
- ce, Volume 25, 2014 - Issue 2: A state-of-the-art review – educational effectiveness, teacher effectivenes... m level as a predictor of pupil outcomes. In this review, we therefore look at synthesising our best evide... glish and maths. Therefore, in the 2nd section we review research on “new learning” and teaching for metac
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- following nitrous oxide anesthesia: A systematic review of cases]] Kishan K.Patel et al, Clinical Neurolo... e Experiments of Humphry Davy – The Public Domain Review]] * [[ umphry Davy and Nitrous Oxide – The Public Domain Review]] * [[
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- es Handling Newsletter Issue No. 87, August 06, A Review of Important Facts about Potato Glycoalkaloids by... Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, A Review of Occurrence of Glycoalkaloids in Potato and Pot
- 5_conceptions_erronees_courantes_sur_l_apprentissage
- De Bruyckere, Kirschner and Hulshof which I will review when I have finished reading it. However, in thi
- articles_didactique_chimie-george_m_bodner
- soning Skills in Chemistry Education ===== * A Review of Spatial Ability Literature, Its Connection to
- biblio-10.1021-acs.chemrev.8b00020
- rnative Conceptions about Chemical Equilibrium: A Review of Research and the Case of Turkey]] Chem. Educ.
- biblio-10.1021-acs.jchemed.0c00185
- ps://|Review to Analyze and Compare Virtual Chemistry Laborato
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- rg/doi/abs/10.1021/ed300329e|Chemistry on the Go: Review of Chemistry Apps on Smartphones]] Diana Libman a
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- evaluate experiments]] - [[|Sc
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- oison: Sugar and Obesity in the United States – a Review]] Samir Faruque, Janice Tong, Vuk Lacmanovic, Chr
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- nc n'ayant pas toujours passé le filtrage du peer-review) : * [[]] * [[http://pre