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43 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
====== Calculation methods applied to chemistry ====== ===== Synopsis (english) ===== ==== Mathematic... s and documentation) * //cf.// [[teaching:progappchim:start#les_librairies_scientifiques_essentiell... tension towards the matrix inversion * lower-upper LU decomposition and complexity (N³ for the dec... d'extrapolation (Richardson, Burlish-Stoer) * applications : * équations de cinétique chimique
7 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
one (usually a polynomial form) which is a good approximation and easier to compute. [[wp>Numerical_i... rate.html|Integration (scipy.integrate)]] ===== Applications ===== * Perform better integration cal... 1/acs.jchemed.8b00193|Employing Spreadsheets for Applying Calculus in Upper-Level Chemistry Courses]] Paul D. Cooper, J. Chem. Educ., 2018, 95 (10), pp 18
7 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
equations are obtained by standard methods developped and implemented in specialized softwares : * ... od|finite difference method]] can be more easliy applied to a lot of classical PDE. In this method, fu... alues at certain grid points and derivatives are approximated through differences in these values. On... nd unsteady conditions, for which same equations apply. The [[wp>Heat_equation|heat equation]] is a pa
6 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
ksubstitution * 2.3 LU Decomposition and Its Application * Python [[ amples-public/html/notebooks/calculation_methods_applied_to_chemistry/Gauss-Jordan-01.ipynb]] ===== Exercices and applications ===== * Exercices : * write a pyth... d in the product of two triangular matrix (Lower-Upper decomposition). This n<sup>3</sup> step is real
4 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
is said to bracket a root if f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs. * [[wp>Secant_method|Secant method]... mize.html|scipy.optimize]] package (root) ===== Applications ===== * ... ===== Références ===== ... p://]] * in C : [[]] * [[http://www2.un... Numerical_Recipes.pdf]], p 347... * [[]] * Chapter
3 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
?) * [[wp>QR_algorithm|QR algorithm]] ===== Applications ===== * collisional relaxation * /... ors of a square array * SciPy (more complete wrapper on [[wp>LAPACK|LAPACK]] fortran package) * ... chapter 11 Eigensystems p 456... * [[]] * Python NumP
3 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
_extrapolation|Richardson extrapolation]] ===== Applications ===== * chemical kinetics * populati... Numerical_Recipes.pdf]], p 707... * [[]] * predator–pr... torial/|Automatic Code Generation with SymPy]] → applications to ODE and chemical kinetics * [[http:
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  • Dernière modification : 2021/09/09 08:56
  • de villersd