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Résultats plein texte:
- test
- udo add-apt-repository ppa:andreasbutti/xournalpp-master → xournal++ ?? ---- * Python * Installatio
- config_ubuntu_server_rpi3 @floss
- * [[|backup-script/ at master · gzachos/backup-script · GitHub]] * [[https://stackoverflo
- python @floss
- epositories to either learn the basics or develop mastery of Python]] Byron Dolon, Medium, aug 26, 2020 ... 0-plus-Python-programming-exercises-extended/blob/master/Status/|100-plus-Python-programming-exercises-extended/Day at master · darkprinx/100-plus-Python-programming-exercises... l]], to calculate population of molecules using a master equation * [[
- psychologie_de_l_education @teaching
- namely that young academics often don’t “know the masters”. Without this knowledge, they often redesign ma... relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corres... y in self-directed learning, achieved substantial mastery of mathematical operations, and developed a sens... that the average student tutored one-to-one using mastery learning techniques performed two standard devia
- articles_didactique_chimie @teaching
- s://|“MasterChemist”: A Novel Strategy for Reviewing Stoichiom... igation in the Art World: The Case of the Missing Masterpiece]], Katharine J. Harmon, Lisa M. Miller, and
- config_xubuntu @floss
- udo add-apt-repository ppa:andreasbutti/xournalpp-master → xournal++ ?? ---- * Python * Installati
- ressources_educatives_libres @floss
- souvent du niveau du second cycle universitaire (master), voire DEA ou DES. Vous pouvez prendre un domain