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1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
and college students' understanding of mechanics, chemistry, thermal phenomena, or evolution. This paper show
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rg]] sous licence libre (hint : chercher suivant "chemistry") * [[]] * Gnome Chemistry Utils (Linux) : [[]]... istaux,...) * [[]] * wikipedia (des liens ou image... lement par l'installation de la "Royal Society of Chemistry TrueType font" ([[
540 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :|Chemistry Education Research and Practice]] : journal de la Royal Society of Chemistry**, accessible sur inscription. Vous pouvez obteni... ://|Education in chemistry]]. * [[teaching:cerp_rss|Fil RSS des derniers
16 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
med.2c00838|Foregrounding the Code: Computational Chemistry Instructional Activities Using a Highly Readable ... hool: Development and Validation with Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers]] * [[ 2c00665|Interactive Python Notebooks for Physical Chemistry]] * [[ Interdisciplinary Concepts and Skills in Physical Chemistry and Introductory Computing: Solving Schrödinger’s
10 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
g/doi/10.1021/ed081p1216|Critical Thinking in the Chemistry Classroom and Beyond]] Claus Jacob , J. Chem. Edu... 00558|Problem-Based Approach to Teaching Advanced Chemistry Laboratories and Developing Students’ Critical Th... Preach: Assessing “Critical Thinking” in Organic Chemistry]] Ryan L. Stowe and Melanie M. Cooper, Journal of... ientific Issues Help Develop Critical Thinking in Chemistry Education? A Reflection on the Problem of Plastic
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  • Dernière modification : 2021/09/09 08:56
  • de villersd