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223 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
8-023-09810-9|Happy Together? On the Relationship Between Research on Retrieval Practice and Generativ... ticle/10.1007/s10648-023-09772-y|When More Is Not Better: Effects of Interim Testing and Feature Highl... in our field that every (young) researcher should be aware of ? What follows is a cleaned-up, alphabet... ink to the document itself. It doesn’t pretend to be complete nor definitive. Maybe it’s better to cal
107 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
= FIXME à ajouter : * Liens rap... o School Chemistry Teaching: Teachers’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Experiences]] * [[https://pubs.acs.... g/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00642|A Low-Cost Dual-Beam Smartphone Visible Spectrometer]] * [[https... jchemed.2c00096|Virtually Bridging the Safety Gap between the Lecture Hall and the Research Laboratory
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us pouvez utiliser ce [[|formulaire de contact]]. ===== Le... chez Digital Equipment Corporation - DEC) * "I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important operating system, and possibly program, of all time." ... 2 Programmers Guide, November 1987 * "Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time" Bill Gate
20 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
ars. Throughout this period, inquiry learning has been regularly criticized by scholars who favor dire... onstrates that inquiry-based instruction produces better overall results for acquiring conceptual know... ffective when supplemented with guidance that can be personalized based on these moderating factors an... ation of inquiry and direct instruction may often be the best approach to support student learning. We
9 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
Students’ Assimilation of Concepts Related to the Behavior of Real Gases]] David Zorrilla, Jesús S... 0081|Liquid Crystal Demonstration of Binary Phase Behavior for the Classroom]] Marissa E. Tousley, J. ... te Partial Pressures in a Mixture of Real Gases]] Bernard Hayez, J. Chem. Educ., 2018, 95 (11), pp 198... roving Students’ Understanding of the Connections between the Concepts of Real-Gas Mixtures, Gas Ideal
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  • Dernière modification : 2021/09/09 08:56
  • de villersd