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- articles_didactique_chimie
- ty Level: Innovative Resources for Future Primary School Teachers]] * [[ Argument-Driven Inquiry Teaching Model in a High School in Northeast China]] * [[ /doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.4c01011|Introducing High School Students to the Amount of Substance, the Mole, an... trochemistry through a Concentration Cell: A High School Laboratory Activity Integrated into a Data Access
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- d at levels ranging from kindergarten to graduate school. There is a thriving industry devoted to publishi... OI: 10.1037/a0036620 * A female advantage in school marks is a common finding in education research, ... luation of gender differences in teacher-assigned school marks in elementary, junior/middle, or high school or at the university level (both undergraduate and gra
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- 0.1021/ed043p267|Chemical Phenomena in Elementary School Science]], Karplus, R. C J. Chem. Educ. 1966, 43,... g/9853/how-people-learn-brain-mind-experience-and-school-expanded-edition|How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School]] The National Research Council, National Academi... oncepts: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Senior High School Student-Centered Instructional Program in Indones
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- he ways in which teacher qualifications and other school inputs are related to student achievement across ... erf, Bert Creemers, Helen Timperley & Lorna Earl, School Effectiveness and School Improvement - An International Journal of Research, Policy and Practice, Volume ... cher effectiveness and professional learning, and school and system improvement, Pages 231-256 DOI: 10.108
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- atic Data Acquisition Using Arduino for Secondary School: Development and Validation with Pre-Service Chem...|Taking School Instrumentation One Step Forward: A Do-It-Yoursel... otebook That Enable Real Time Spectroscopy during School Lessons]] ==== 2021 ==== FIXME * [[https://pub... urate Introductory Gas Density Activity with High School Students]] W. Patrick Cunningham, Christopher Jos
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- ns Using Particulate Level Models To Develop High School Students’ Understanding of Conceptual Stoichiomet... à la chimie générale à la « career technical high school » située dans le Midwest des Etats-Unis. Le premi
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- ble then how are we preparing them for life after school? Imagine a tour operator running trips to Greece
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- o Medicinal Chemistry: A Five-Day Course for High School Students]] M. Kyle Hadden and Angela M. Zaino, J.
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- g Olivine and Carbonated Beverages with Secondary School Students To Investigate pH and Electrical Conduct
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- ng Environment with the Use of Clickers in a High School Chemistry Classroom]], Fred Vital, J. Chem. Educ.
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- séance de laboratoire) * Public cible : "middle school children" = enseignement secondaire inférieur (a
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- Periodic Table as a Crossword Puzzle at the High School Level]] Sushama D. Joag, J. Chem. Educ., 2014, 91