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- numerical_methods_for_ordinary_differential_equations
- ost widely known member of the Runge–Kutta family is generally referred to as "RK4", "classical Runge–... orenz system ==== <blockquote>« The Lorenz system is a system of ordinary differential equations (the Lorenz equations, note it is not Lorentz) first studied by Edward Lorenz. It is notable for having chaotic solutions for certain p
- system_of_linear_equations
- number of arithmetic operations. * The accuracy is determined by the number of numerical figures whi... using these method. * If the coefficient matrix is the same for different systems (only the independent coefficients are different), it is possible to solve systems with the order of n<sup... 2</sup> operations, if the matrix of coeeficients is decomposed in the product of two triangular matri
- root-finding_algorithm
- ept a solution when a sufficiently accurate value is reached. The rate of convergence depends on the u... ions : [[wp>Bairstow's_method|Bairstow's method]] is an efficient algorithm for finding the roots of a... the function, and obtain one roots. The algorithm is based on a [[wp>Loop_invariant|loop invariant]] property : an interval [a, b] is said to bracket a root if f(a) and f(b) have oppo
- methcalchim
- ps://|2D Ising Model in Python]] * chemistry * misc docs : * [[https://pdfs.... Jaan Kiusalaas, 2013, Cambridge University Press, isbn: 9781107033856 * ... ==== Jupyter notebooks
- numerical_integration
- by another one (usually a polynomial form) which is a good approximation and easier to compute. [[wp>... and refinement of spatial grid discretization. It is interesting to check these errors using various a... , William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery, 2007, isbn: 9780521880688 * [[
- eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors
- e_matrix|Leslie matrix]] * [[ , William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery, 2007, isbn: 9780521880688 * [[
- partial_differential_equation
- ons apply. The [[wp>Heat_equation|heat equation]] is a parabolic partial differential equation that de