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- methcalchim
- * [[|]] interactive tutorial with code execution * [[|DataCamp free course "Intro to Python for Data Science"]] * [[https://...|Python 3 Tutorial]], interactive, with [[|c
- numerical_methods_for_ordinary_differential_equations
- ====== Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations ====== * [[wp>Ordinary_differential_equation|O... dynamics, [[|Verlet integration]] ==== Lorenz system ==== <blockquote>« The Lorenz system is a system of... haotic solutions for certain parameter values and initial conditions. In particular, the Lorenz attrac
- numerical_integration
- ====== Numerical integration ====== <note tip> Calculation of definite integrals implies to replace the function by another... proximation and easier to compute. [[wp>Numerical_integration#Conservative_.28a_priori.29_error_estima... refinement of spatial grid discretization. It is interesting to check these errors using various algo
- system_of_linear_equations
- rical methods used to solve such problem allow to introduce and experiment on [[wp>Time_complexity]], ... rix#Forward_and_back_substitution]] * Chapter 2 in the book "Numerical Recipes" : * 2.0 Introduction * 2.1 Gauss-Jordan Elimination * 2.2 Ga... ry : [[|NumPy Reference]] * [[
- partial_differential_equation
- = Numerical solutions of PDE ====== <note warning>In general, the numerical solutions of partial diffe... ed by standard methods developped and implemented in specialized softwares : * Finite element method... be more easliy applied to a lot of classical PDE. In this method, functions are represented by their v... derivatives are approximated through differences in these values. One of the most usual problems con
- root-finding_algorithm
- y/reference/routines.polynomials.html|Polynomials in NumPy]] * [[ .polynomials.polynomial.html|polynomial module]], including polyroots(c) to compute the roots of a pol... one roots. The algorithm is based on a [[wp>Loop_invariant|loop invariant]] property : an interval [a, b] is said to bracket a root if f(a) and f(b) have
- eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors
- rithm producing a number $\lambda$, the greatest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of a matrix $A$, and t... .1.133.7164&rep=rep1&type=pdf|Leslie Matrix Model in Population Dynamics - CiteSeerX]] * [[http://... ipal component analysis) * Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics, molecular orbitals (Hartree–Fo... s p 456... * [[]] * Python NumPy vs SciPy : //cf.// [[