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43 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
e, with [[|code use in web browser]] * MOOCs (massive open online co... python|An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Beginners)]] (Coursera) * [[https:/... larisation * LU decomposition : factorization in triangular matrices * [[root-finding_algorithm|... Van Wijngaardeb-Dekker-Brent method ("black box" in numerical packages) * Roots of polynomials an
11 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
= Numerical solutions of PDE ====== <note warning>In general, the numerical solutions of partial diffe... ed by standard methods developped and implemented in specialized softwares : * Finite element method... be more easliy applied to a lot of classical PDE. In this method, functions are represented by their v... derivatives are approximated through differences in these values. One of the most usual problems con
10 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
certain parameter values and initial conditions. In particular, the Lorenz attractor is a set of chao...]] (2012, Jake Vanderplas) * with Ipython ... xamples/Lorenz%20Differential%20Equations.html]], in the Jupyter Widgets documentation (2016...) ... 7742/drawing-phase-space-trajectories-with-arrows-in-matplotlib|Drawing phase space trajectories with
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rix#Forward_and_back_substitution]] * Chapter 2 in the book "Numerical Recipes" : * 2.0 Introduc... solve]] * Time complexity analysis * Hint : in Python, use the timeit module ===== Jupyter note... omas algorithm ===== What you must have learned in this chapter ===== * Except ill-conditionned, l... solved "exactly" using linear algebra algorithms in a finite and known number of arithmetic operation
4 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
rithm producing a number $\lambda$, the greatest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of a matrix $A$, and t... .1.133.7164&rep=rep1&type=pdf|Leslie Matrix Model in Population Dynamics - CiteSeerX]] * [[http://... ipal component analysis) * Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics, molecular orbitals (Hartree–Fo... whats-the-fastest-way-to-find-eigenvalues-vectors-in-python]] * [[
3 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
: * [[wp>Gaussian_quadrature]] * Chapter 4 in the book “Numerical Recipes” : Integration of Fun... 0193|Employing Spreadsheets for Applying Calculus in Upper-Level Chemistry Courses]] Paul D. Cooper, J... 80688 * [[]] * in C : [[]] *
3 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
y/reference/routines.polynomials.html|Polynomials in NumPy]] * [[ on's_method|Newton-Raphson method]] * Chapter 9 in the book "Numerical Recipes" : Root finding an no... 80688 * [[]] * in C : [[]] *