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floss:dokuwiki_extensions [2021/06/03 10:12] villersdfloss:dokuwiki_extensions [2023/06/27 15:20] (Version actuelle) – [flowcharts] villersd
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 ====== Extensions  (sélection) ====== ====== Extensions  (sélection) ======
 Quelques démonstrations... Quelques démonstrations...
 +  * FIXME (à jouter) :
 +    * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:filelist|filelist]]
 ===== advanced ===== ===== advanced =====
Ligne 145: Ligne 147:
 ===== flowcharts ===== ===== flowcharts =====
   * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:flowcharts]]   * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:flowcharts]]
 +  * [[https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/./integrations|mermaid - Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs.]]
 +  * [[https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/edit|Online FlowChart & Diagrams Editor - Mermaid Live Editor]]
 +  * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/mermaid-create-diagrams-quickly-and-effortlessly-d236e23d6d58|Mermaid: Create diagrams quickly and effortlessly | by Alexandra Souly | Towards Data Science]]
 +  * [[https://dompl.medium.com/produce-great-looking-flowcharts-in-seconds-7f3bea64f2e2|Produce great looking flowcharts in seconds | by Dom Powys-Lybbe | Medium]]
 +  * [[https://betterprogramming.pub/making-diagrams-fun-again-with-mermaid-8a2c9ea3e471|Making Diagrams Fun With Mermaid. Sometimes, a good diagram is the best… | by Ozan Tunca | Better Programming]]
 +  * [[https://betterprogramming.pub/mermaid-create-charts-and-diagrams-with-markdown-88a9e639ab14|Mermaid — Create Charts and Diagrams With Markdown-like Syntax | by Trevor-Indrek Lasn | Better Programming]]
Ligne 215: Ligne 223:
 ===== Include ===== ===== Include =====
 +===== Info =====
 +  * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:info|plugin info]]
 +  * Affiche la liste des extensions installées ou d'autres informations
 +    * syntaxplugins — Displays a list of available syntax plugins.
 +    * adminplugins — Displays a list of available admin plugins.
 +    * actionplugins — Displays a list of available action plugins.
 +    * rendererplugins — Displays a list of available render plugins.
 +    * helperplugins — Displays a list of available helper plugins.
Ligne 220: Ligne 246:
 (en test) (en test)
   * [[teaching:progappchim:testjs|Test Javascript + dokuwiki + DataCamp-light]]   * [[teaching:progappchim:testjs|Test Javascript + dokuwiki + DataCamp-light]]
 +===== KaTeX =====
 +  * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:katex|plugin KaTeX]]
 +    * [[https://katex.org/]]
 +FIXME : à comparer, mais semble meilleur que MathJax ??
 ===== latex ===== ===== latex =====
-à remplacer par mathjax+à remplacer par MathJax ou KaTeX
-===== Mathjax =====+===== MathJax =====
   * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:mathjax]]   * [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:mathjax]]
Ligne 234: Ligne 266:
 ==== mhchem ==== ==== mhchem ====
   * [[http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/input/tex/extensions/mhchem.html]]   * [[http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/input/tex/extensions/mhchem.html]]
 +  * [[http://docs.mathjax.org/_/downloads/en/v2.6-latest/pdf/]] → "The mhchem extensions implements the \ce, \cf,  and \cee chemical equation macros of the LaTeX mhchem package. See the [[https://ctan.org/pkg/mhchem|mhchem CTAN page]] for more information and a link to the documentation for mhchem.
   * [[https://mhchem.github.io/MathJax-mhchem/]]   * [[https://mhchem.github.io/MathJax-mhchem/]]
   * ATTENTION : ÉCRIRE CECI UNE FOIS PAR PAGE : $\require{mhchem}$   * ATTENTION : ÉCRIRE CECI UNE FOIS PAR PAGE : $\require{mhchem}$
  • floss/dokuwiki_extensions.1622707965.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2021/06/03 10:12
  • de villersd