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* Arch Linux * [[https://itsfoss.com/arch-based-linux-distros/|Top Arch-based User Friendly Linux Distributions That are Easier to Install and Use Th... oss.com/xerolinux/|XeroLinux: A Beautiful Arch-based Linux With Excellent Customizability by Default]]... ] (tecmint, 2018) * [[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/5-super-handy-linux-commands-that-everyone-sh
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releases/22.04.3/release/ubuntu-22.04.3-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi.img.xz]] ===== Installation =... 022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,showexec,utf8,flush,errors=remount-ro 0 0 * l... directory, older than 8 days, but leave files dated the first day of each month : <code> # Set the d... s de backup * [[https://iq.opengenus.org/automated-backup-in-linux-using-shell-scripting-and-crontab
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hon|TheAlgorithms/Python: All Algorithms implemented in Python]] ---- Python est un langage de progr... /|First experience programming]], specially designed for [[http://code.org/|the Hour of Code]] * [... ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments#Python|Éditeurs et envir... torial]] (version 2.5), by Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake, Jr. * [[http://scipy-lectures.github.
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convert: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `PDF'" → [[https://askubun... om/questions/1127260/imagemagick-convert-not-allowed]] : sudo nano /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml → <po
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s**) * Si nécessaire, copier ou créer authorized_keys, gérer known_hosts, et rétablir des connexio... ion des sources (dépôts) (main, universe, restricted, multiverse) * FIXME : dépôts partenaires ?? (+... ) dia (diagrams) digikam (gestion de photos) GParted (utilitaire partitions disques) guvcview (capture... audacity recordmydesktop xournal dia digikam gparted guvcview pandoc tellico * unison (synchronisati
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e Interministériel De Logiciels Libres ─ Recommended Free Software]] * [[https://twitter.com/codegou... ] * [[https://medium.com/mlearning-ai/i-wanted-a-perfect-note-taking-workflow-for-my-data-science-learnings-and-i-settled-for-this-c0e84b56e34e|I Wanted a Perfect Note-taking Workflow for My Data Science learnings, and I Se
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rprise/servers/warranty/index.aspx|Worldwide limited warranty and technical support | Hewlett Packard ... Document - HPE InfoSight for Servers Getting Started Guide - HPE Support]] * HPE ILO Advanced * [[https://buy.hpe.com/us/en/software/server-manageme... /server-ilo-management/ilo-licenses/hpe-ilo-advanced/p/332279]] * vidéos ILO * [[https://tec
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nce and chemists. Promoting opensource. Soon retired (2023). Hobbies: gardening, genealogy, cartograph... s/how-to-activate-mastodons-tweetdeck-style-advanced-web-interface/|ici]] * ... ===== Trucs et as... /medium.com/whither-news/on-joining-mastodon-d539eed5e41a|On Joining Mastodon - From my vast experienc... stodon-five-tools/|Mastodon Magic: Five Tools Shared by Educators]] Miguel Guhlin, December 26, 2022
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sateur : "It did not work completely until I removed the unison archives (ar... and fp... files) generated by the 2.48.4-4 version in ~/.unison" → en fait s
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//www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/10/19/openly-licensed-educational-resources-providing-equitable-access-education-all|Openly Licensed Educational Resources: Providing Equitable Access... ald Hobern, Zookeys. 2011; (150): 127–149. Published online 2011 Nov 28. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.150.218... pulation Understands “Noncommercial Use”]] published September 14, 2009 * Paul Klimpel : "La connai
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[https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/list-all-installed-packages-with-apt-on-ubuntu/|Apt Get List Installed | List Installed Packages with Apt on Ubuntu]] <note tip>Un serveur peut-être installé de différente... -r` Pour Ubuntu 20.04 : echo deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/virtualbox.gpg] http://dow
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[https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/list-all-installed-packages-with-apt-on-ubuntu/|Apt Get List Installed | List Installed Packages with Apt on Ubuntu]] <note tip>Un serveur peut-être installé de différente... devra être placée dans le fichier ~/.ssh/authorized_keys des serveurs auxquels vous souhaitez accéder