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Voici un petit exemple de programme Python affiché avec une coloration de la syntaxe :
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #======================================================================= #title :Hello_World_python_program.py #description :This program will output the 'Hello World !' string # and some more stuff. #author :Anybody Candoit #date :20120501 #version :0.4 #usage :python pyscriptname.py #notes :with extended header #python_version :2.7.2 #licence :Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 #======================================================================= """ Documentation (DocString) : This small program will output the 'Hello World !' string. After that he will ask to enter some words that will be echoed. """ Phrase = 'Hello World !' print(Phrase) some_words = input("Well, say me hello too, please !") print('OK, you just said me "' + some_words + '" \nBye !')