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70 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
darianisme * [[http://thehappyneuron.com/2020/05/the-dunning-kruger-effect-explains-why-society-is... [[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00558|Problem-Based Approach to Teaching Advanced Che... 8, 95 (2), pp 259–266 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00558 * [[http://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jch... -bear]] * [[http://www.lefigaro.fr/culture/2016/05/11/03004-20160511ARTFIG00180-un-expert-dement-la-
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ia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Plastic-recyc-05.svg/100px-Plastic-recyc-05.svg.png}} \\ [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Plastic-recyc-05.svg|lien]] | {{https://upload.wikimedia.org/wiki... rg/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/Symbol_Resin_Code_05_PP.svg/199px-Symbol_Resin_Code_05_PP.svg.png}} \
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//link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10648-023-09805-6|Pretesting Enhances Learning in the Classroom |... age * [[https://gregashman.wordpress.com/2015/05/16/five-common-misconceptions-about-learning/|Fiv... G]] * **[[https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1999-15054-002|Unskilled and unaware of it: How difficultie... s://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1539-6053.2009.01038.x|Learning Styles: Concepts and Evide
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ult = https://www.medrxiv.org/conte…/10.1101/2020.05.05.20088757v2 Article tellement mauvais qu’il a été retiré en ligne par ses propres auteurs et qui é... l of Medicine = https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2012410… 1446 patients à NY, étude observa... Medical Journal : https://ard.bmj.com/…/ea…/2020/05/07/annrheumdis-2020-217690 En gros, je vous ai d
matplotlib_simple @teaching:progappchim
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return s1*e1 tvals = arange(0., 5., 0.05) # arange (importé) permet de définir un tableau ... n Seaborn library?]] Tirendaz Academy, Medium, 07/05/2022 * [[https://manimplotlib.readthedocs.io/en... ade of blue forever)]] Callum Ballard, Medium, 22/05/2020 * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/creativ... Python for your plotting needs]] Nathaniel J, 04/05/2021 * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/4-thing
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la réaction du potassium. * De 04:50 à 08:05 on refait une expérience avec un plus gros morcea... s espèces chimiques ===== [[teaching:uaa-chim-sg-05-liaisons|UAA n°5 (5ème année) : Liaisons chimique... e - base * start : 00:00 * stop : 05:55 * commentaire : bon exercice simple m
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rias C. Zacharia, Educational Research Review, 08/05/2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2023.100536 * **Abstract:** Many studies investigating inquiry learni... y-based and direct instruction]], Greg Ashman, 15/05/2023 <blockquote> Un [[https://www.sciencedirect... view// titled, [[https://substack.com/redirect/963057bb-69a6-482f-b9be-a6e4f0f732c9?j=eyJ1IjoidWY3Nmwi
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rant=l02&bck_ncda=5108&bck_referant=l00|Loi du 29/05/1959 modifiant certaines dispositions de la légis... page=26823&do_id=8153|Circulaire 7898]] (émise le 05-01-2021) * Cliquer sur le lien de téléchargemen... 0000003/FWB%20-%20Circulaire%207898%20(8153_20210105_105004).pdf]] (janvier 2021)** * décompresser en cas d'archive zip pour obtenir la circulaire dans
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s Générales - Chimie * [[teaching:uaa-chim-sg-05-liaisons|UAA n°5 (5ème année) : Liaisons chimique... ersité * En chimie * [[teaching:uaa-chim-sb-05-liaisons|UAA n°5 : Les liaisons chimiques]] *
simulations_random_walks_codes @teaching:exos
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iece = ['pile','face'] valeurpiece = [0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,1.,2.] for i in range(1): # choi... oire d'un petit nombre de pas ===== <code python 05_tkinter_random_walk_few_steps_1D.py> #!/usr/bin/e
notions_fondamentales @teaching:progappchim
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le is better than complex]] Yang Zhou, Medium, 03/05/2021 * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/the-art... tionnaires ([[https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0584/|/pep-0584]]. === Références diverses === * [[https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/pytho... hon3]] by Maxence LQ, Python in Plain English, 25/05/2021 * [[https://ibexorigin.medium.com/have-mer
numpy_simple @teaching:progappchim
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les tableaux ===== <code python arrays_iteration_05.py> #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*... .array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) yd = np.array([0.05, 0.99, 3.95, 9.17, 15.86, 24.93]) pfit = np.poly1
pandas @teaching:progappchim
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o a NumPy array]] Giorgos Myrianthous, Medium, 06/05/2022 * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/20-of-p... rk on the Pandas library]] Avi Chawla, Medium, 16/05/2022 - Reading a CSV file - Saving a Data
presentation_principes @teaching:progappchim
2 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
return s1*e1 tvals = arange(0., 5., 0.05) #plot(tvals, my_func(tvals)) #show() plot(tvals... Numb bonds = 12.0107 6 C x= 0.956 y= -0.086 z= -0.056 15.9994 8 O x= 0.488 y= -1.374 z= 0.299 1.00794 ... 0.64 z= 0.672 1.00794 1 H x= 0.584 y= 0.177 z= -1.05 1.00794 1 H x= 2.049 y= -0.08 z= -0.052 1.00794 1 H x= 0.831 y= -1.996 z= -0.365 partial charges = (0
solvents_data_class @teaching:progappchim
2 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
Solvent("butanol secondary", 88.8, -114.7, 26, 0.805, 16.56, 9999, 9999, 9999, "C4H10O")) solvent_list... ) #solvent_list.append(Solvent("benzyl alcohol", 205.4, -15.3, 100, 1.045, 13.1, 9999, 9999, 9999, "un... e", 110.6, -94.9, 4, 0.867, 2.38, 1.4969, 0.43, 0.05, "C7H8")) solvent_list.append(Solvent("water", 10... methyl formamide", 153, -61, 58, 0.944, 36.7, 1.4305, 3.86, 9900, "C3H7NO")) solvent_list.append(Solve
trucs_astuces @teaching:progappchim
2 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
potentiel_morse @teaching:progappchim:matplotlib_gallery
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1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
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codes_presentation @teaching:progappchim
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
jupyter @teaching:progappchim
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openbabel_jmol @teaching:progappchim
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plot_sinus_cosinus @teaching:progappchim
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
progappchim @teaching:progappchim
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
tkinter_gui_simple @teaching:progappchim
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