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- thermodynamique_statistique-exercices
- ion ===== FIXME * [[TP_simulations_Monte-Carlo_2019|TP de simulations de Monte-Carlo, 2019]] * [[teaching:exos:simulations_random_walks|Simulations nu... //|Statistical analysis of cell migration ...|Anomalous diffusion of self-propelled particles i
- simulations_random_walks_codes
- ération de nombres aléatoires ===== <code python> #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 ... * facepiece = ['pile','face'] valeurpiece = [0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,1.,2.] for i in range(1):
- cv_vibration_einstein
- 63";"0,751" "412";"0,983" "471";"1,215" "516";"1,301" "874";"1,857" "1079";"1,869" "1238";"1,887" </cs... ;"0,092" "16,1";"0,00081";"87";"0,147" "19,8";"0,00138";"100,4";"0,24" "24,1";"0,00257";"113,1";"0,378... ";"0,56" "33,4";"0,0074";"143,4";"0,88" "41,3";"0,0133";"159";"1,19" "47,7";"0,02";"176";"1,66" "57,2"... mol-1 K-1)" "1";"0,004961";"130";"16,067" "2";"0,01004";"140";"17,120" "3";"0,01535";"150";"18,08" "4
- lancer_pieces
- héorique" (binomiale). <code python> #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-... HX7Q/?utm_source=ig_embed]] * fake : [[]]
- rappels-proba-stat
- Normal Distribution — which one to use?]] 13/12/2019 * [[ tter [[]] → "Il y a 60% de chance d'observ... m/@sameersoin/probability-vs-likelihood-4e7b9a487301|Probability vs Likelihood]] Sameer Soin, Medium, ... idea behind the hypothesis testing framework through examples]] Neeraj Krishna, Medium, 18/01/2023
- rotation_vibration_molecules_biatomiques
- M. Vis, and Ludo B. F. Juurlink, J. Chem. Educ., 2017, 94 (9), pp 1209–1216 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7... M. Kurien, and Thomas R. Rybol, J. Chem. Educ., 2018, 95 (12), pp 2293–2297 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.... chael Denchy, and Jeb Kegerreis, J. Chem. Educ., 2018, 95 (12), pp 2298–2300 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.... y]] Paul D. Cooper, Jacob Walser, J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96(12), 2947-2951 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00
- photons
- * [[ sileira de Ensino de Física (Impact Factor: 0.1). 01/2012; 34(2) * [[]] * [[http://scitat
- plus_ca_rate_plus_on_a_de_chance_que_ca_marche
- : {{ }} {{ }} Réf : [[http://phdcomics
- cv_vibration_einstein-solutions
- 5;24,8 "KCl";0,695;74,55;51,81 "Diamant";0,509;12,01;6,11 </csv> <note tip>On constate que les valeur... 35 0.65 363 0.751 412 0.983 471 1.215 516 1.301 874 1.857 1079 1.869 1238 1.887 </dataplot> <
- sequences_brins_adn
- gramme Python ===== <code python> #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-... return j*log(j) - j + log(2.*pi*j)/2. n=101 # petits nombres for i in range(1,n): print(i
- vdemery_espci
- elles : * [[|Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms an... d Computations]] Werner Krauth, Series : Oxford Master Series in Physics, 13. ISBN-13: 9780198515364
- paradoxe_anniversaires
- are a birthday?]] Cassie Kozyrkov, Medium, 08/10/2019 * [[wp>fr:Principe_des_tiroirs|Principe des ti
- poker_menteur
- aiter des lancers <sxh python; title :> #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-... eux paires [1800, 1800461] grande suite [120, 120194] brelan [1200, 1200807] une paire [3600, 35
- production_flacons_defauts
- respondant de la distribution binomiale. Si p = 0.01 et q = 0.99 sont les probabilités respectives à c