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- teaching_ressources_videos
- ms-for-linux/ubuntu]] (Install Teams for Linux on your Linux distribution - Unofficial Microsoft Teams c... ate, share and reuse interactive HTML5 content in your browser * [[|FrameTrail]... ce, manage and edit interactive video directly in your web browser * [[]] (cf. fr... s v0.5.2 docs - HTML5 drawing board - MS Paint in your web browser]] * [[|B
- notions_fondamentales @teaching:progappchim
- .com/swlh/3-alternatives-to-if-statements-to-make-your-python-code-more-readable-91a9991fb353|3 Alternatives to If Statements That Make your Code More Readable]] (Jonny Jackson, Medium, 24/0... tter in Python - A few functions that can improve your looping logic]] Yong Cui, Medium, Jan 8, 2020 *... 019 * [[
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- al of Chemical Education - Resources for Teaching Your Chemistry Class Online: A Free to Read Collection...|A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure-Style Virtual Lab Activity | Journa...|Choose Your Own “Labventure”: A Click-Through Story Approach ... g/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00966|BYOL: Bring Your Own Lime Hands-On Laboratory Experience]] Mikhail
- desinformations
- e lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, dependin... [[|How titanium dioxide protects your outdoor plastics]] * [[ active/2020/03/11/science/how-coronavirus-hijacks-your-cells.html]] * [[https://www.technologyreview
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- Python]] * [[|Your Ultimate Guide to Matplotlib]] (not so ultimate...) *...|5 Powerful Tricks to Visualize Your Data with Matplotlib]] - How to use LaTeX font, c
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- -on-python-to-make-interactive-graphs-and-impress-your-boss-233a4914efa2|Data visualisation: 3 secret ti... on Python to make interactive graphs and impress your boss]] * [[|Don’t use Matplotlib or Seaborn for Your Python Plots - It’s time to up your visualization
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- oint at everybody who is an A... All right. Put your hand up if you are an A... excellent. When I say ... and get the sulphuric acid and copper oxide. Put your hand up if you are a B... good. When I say go, you are going to first tidy up your desk so all books are closed and clear, then you ... desk.] '...There are a few of you who have left your chair in the middle of the path between desks; pl
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- es|GitHub - guipsamora/pandas_exercises: Practice your pandas skills!]] * [[ ill also learn how to record, remix and republish your analysis using the Jupyter Notebook) → commencer ... als every data scientist needs to know - To boost your performance and code like a pro]] Mısra Turp, Med... [|Add Some Style to y
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- * [[ ps://|How To Replace Your Python For Loops with Map, Filter, and Reduce - W... [|
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- ch knowledge matters? 39 * Chapter 3 Starting your learning sequence 45 * Chapter 4 Books, mini-... ny birds, one stone 77 * Chapter 8 Going over your retrieval quiz: the bastes 83 * Chapter 9 Going over your prerequisite quiz 91 * Part 2 Explanations 97
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- lity fundamentals - What are the odds that two of your friends share a birthday?]] Cassie Kozyrkov, Medi... e pulled the same card twice. Do it 16 times, and your chances are over 90%. Try it! * Next time you'r... function with N possible outputs (say 2^128), and your system's security depends on collisions never hap
- jupyter @teaching:progappchim
- ook using Javascript extensions loaded locally in your browser. * Installer des librairies à partir d'... * [[|How to Setup Your JupyterLab Project Environment]] ===== Référenc
- biblio-10.1021-acs.jchemed.6b00261
- * c. Ribose * d. Glyceraldehyde The reason for your answer is : * a. Molecules of the selected mono... he number of carbon atoms doubles Are you sure of your answers? * a. Yes * b. No </blockquote> P
- ressourceschimie
-|Using investigations to engage your 11–14 students | CPD | RSC Education]] * [[
- partial_differential_equation @teaching:methcalchim
- ) * [[|Create Your Own Finite Volume Fluid Simulation (With Python)]