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he community, namely: What article or articles do you feel are seminal articles in our field that every... journal. The article started with the sentence, “You can lead a horse to water but the only water that... tml|There Are Better Ways to Study That Will Last You a Lifetime]] (Guest Essay) - Anne van den Boogaar... rg/ae/spring2020/debruyckere_kirschner_hulshof|If You Learn A, Will You Be Better Able to Learn B?]] Un
8 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :|When All You Have Is a Covalent Model of Bonding, Every Substa... roaching-formative-assessment/4012915.article|Are you making the most of formative assessment?]] David ... 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00601|Escape ClassRoom: Can You Solve a Crime Using the Analytical Process?]] Mar...|“Can” You Really Make a Battery Out of That?]] Michael A. P
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”"]] Our new paper is open access so I recommend you read it all. It is not overly long. The de Jong p... s not open access. I will highlight a few points you may be most interested in — a definition, an iron... rmation from other people." </blockquote> I hope you enjoy reading about this debate. Traduction auto
22 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer
matplotlib_simple @teaching:progappchim
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ter plot, histogram, heatmap, color map - Walking you through how to understand the mechanisms behind t... 4/2023 * [[|All you need to know about Seaborn - When should I use Seaborn... * [[
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//|Can you make napalm out of gasoline and orange juice conc...|How do you melt metals with super high melting points?]] *
notions_fondamentales @teaching:progappchim
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ng !**: cf. * [[]]
plotly_simple @teaching:progappchim
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] * [[|Forget Matplotlib! You Should Be Using Plotly]] * [[https://towardsdat... in-python-concepts-plots-and-quick-customizations-you-need-to-know-a52d2bcfa87e|Plotly Express in Python: Concepts, Plots, and Quick Customizations You Need to Know]] Cindy _W, Mezdium, 17/03/2022 *
notions_avancees @teaching:progappchim
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erscore(_) in Python Tutorial - In this tutorial, you're going to learn about the uses of underscore(_)...|10 Python File System Methods You Should Know - Manipulate Files and Folders With o
methcalchim @teaching:methcalchim
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our daily lives. Additionally, it will introduce you to the pydist2 package. Mahmoud Harmouch, Medium,
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y-issues/|Using Zoom? Here are the privacy issues you need to be aware of]], protonmail, March 20, 2020... FrameTrail]] is an open source software that lets you experience, manage and edit interactive video dir... [|Limnu - The online whiteboard you’ve been looking for]] (non testé en groupe) ... ative-whiteboard-with-fabric-js/|Never gonna give you up]] * [[
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//|Maths says you need coarser coffee grounds to make a perfect esp... 2d-8d73-4ca5-89d7-a1a70bf7cd97|How maths can give you the perfect roast potato]] * tweet : [[https:... Organic, All-Natural, Fruits & Eggs Are Not What You'd Expect]] : la composition "chimique" d'aliments
ppoo @teaching:progappchim
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a52|All the basics of Python classes - Everything you need to know about Python classes!]] George Seif,...|Python Objects and... Classes: The Most Important Python Concepts That You Need to Understand]], Erik van Baaren, Medium, 13... e Data Classes in Python - This library will save you hours of coding]] Matteo, medium, 09/09/2021
algos_entiers @teaching:progappchim
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-ruby/]] * [[|If you have slow loops in Python, you can fix it…until you can’t]] (knapsack problem
pandas @teaching:progappchim
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and the Jupyter Notebook]] (The course will teach you how to use pandas to read, filter, join, group, aggregate and rank structured data. You will also learn how to record, remix and republis...|Python for Data Science: 8 Concepts You May Have Forgotten]] * [[https://towardsdatasci
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jupyter @teaching:progappchim
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print_format @teaching:progappchim
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paradoxe_anniversaires @teaching:exos
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system_of_linear_equations @teaching:methcalchim
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