to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer
des exemples de capsule en chimie ([[|Polarité des molécules]], [[|L'oxydoréduction]] de la [[|chaîne Youtube de Caroline Cormier]])
* [[
al of Chemical Education - Resources for Teaching Your Chemistry Class Online: A Free to Read Collectio... //|Do You Want to Make a Battery? Insights from the Develop... /|Can You Make it Back to Earth? A Digital Educational Esca...|When All You Have Is a Covalent Model of Bonding, Every Substa|Initiative et formation Paris]].
{{ youtube>ERoNWRaAGi8 }}
===== Introduction =====
<not... on : "Qu'est-ce que la neuroplasticité ?" (01)
{{ youtube>36IA8Y8mRgE }}
Vidéo de Steve Masson : "À quoi servent les connexions neuronales ?" (02)
{{ youtube>Dj-n1qA7f9E }}
Vidéo de Steve Masson : "Peut-on perdre ses connexions neuronales ?" (03)
{{ youtube>a_4T-YNhp5I }}
Vidéo de Steve Masson : "Com
2020 : [[|Take a walk... on what we have learnt about acids, what acid do you think we need to use to make copper sulfate ?... ... ructions back to me... Jimmy?... Good... now, off you go.'
Sarah remains in her position and waits for the students to carry out her instructions.
'You are going to be working in pairs, and each of you
entendu. (Lien vidéo de la réaction :
Réaction entre l’ac... -036)
Réactions de précipitation : [[]]
4 solutions sont co... ources framework]]
+ modélisation : [[]]
Cette p... rre en cas de bris.
* vidéo : [[|Metals that Explode i
* [[|Your Ultimate Guide to Matplotlib]] (not so ultimate...)
...|5 Powerful Tricks to Visualize Your Data with Matplotlib]] - How to use LaTeX font,
from quite different types of instruction]].
If you ask a history student to read a source document then at least you are replicating the actual behaviour of experts. ... xpert readers actually use these cues.
===== 2. You understand concepts better if you discover them for yourself =====
I recently fixed the toilet. It wa
lity fundamentals - What are the odds that two of your friends share a birthday?]] Cassie Kozyrkov, Med... irthday paradox is very famous in probability. If you take 23 people, there's about a 50/50 chance that... irthday paradox is very famous in probability. If you take 23 people, there's about a 50/50 chance that... this for only 9 draws, and more likely than not, you've pulled the same card twice. Do it 16 times, an
.com/swlh/3-alternatives-to-if-statements-to-make-your-python-code-more-readable-91a9991fb353|3 Alternatives to If Statements That Make your Code More Readable]] (Jonny Jackson, Medium, 24/... tter in Python - A few functions that can improve your looping logic]] Yong Cui, Medium, Jan 8, 2020
... 019
* [[
//|Can you make napalm out of gasoline and orange juice conc...|How do you melt metals with super high melting points?]]
* [[|Forget Matplotlib! You Should Be Using Plotly]]
* [[https://towardsdat... -on-python-to-make-interactive-graphs-and-impress-your-boss-233a4914efa2|Data visualisation: 3 secret t... on Python to make interactive graphs and impress your boss]]
* [[
e dans les classes primaires et secondaires]]
{{ youtube>I0XXKOYhZEM }}
<blockquote>Transcri... r, reviewer, and supervisor/mentor of hundreds of young academic researchers, I have experienced a problem, namely that young academics often don’t “know the masters”. Witho... he community, namely: What article or articles do you feel are seminal articles in our field that every
es|GitHub - guipsamora/pandas_exercises: Practice your pandas skills!]]
* [[ and the Jupyter Notebook]] (The course will teach you how to use pandas to read, filter, join, group, aggregate and rank structured data. You will also learn how to record, remix and republish your analysis using the Jupyter Notebook) → commencer
//|Maths says you need coarser coffee grounds to make a perfect esp... 2d-8d73-4ca5-89d7-a1a70bf7cd97|How maths can give you the perfect roast potato]]
* tweet : [[https:... make an INSIDE OUT boiled egg
* [[]]
* [[http://www.