23-09810-9|Happy Together? On the Relationship Between Research on Retrieval Practice and Generative L... u/edrev/index.php/ER/article/viewFile/2025/545]] Sweller, cognitive Load,...
* [[kirschner-how_learn... ps://docs.google.com/document/d/106pVBmsDyFTmtzvv6wedvPjfJBVMM-g4mwvJ4zwDd1g/edit|Ressources externes ... s://www.apa.org/ed/schools/teaching-learning/top-twenty-principles-french.pdf|Les 20 principes fondame
riter Roger Errera :
The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen.... his-northeastern-researcher-is-creating-the-tools-we-need-to-fight-against-it/|Tired of being manipula... his Northeastern researcher is creating the tools we need to fight against it.]] News|Northeastern, ju... ning-kruger-effect-explains-why-society-is-so-screwed-up/|The Dunning-Kruger Effect Explains Why Socie
option "register" ([[https://account.acs.org/ssoamweb/account/signUp]]), et ensuite de demander les "E... asp]], ainsi que pour [[https://magazines.rsc.org/web-reader/eic/|Education in chemistry]].
* [[te... erences in Student Learning and Inquiry Skills Between Hands-On and Virtual Chemistry Laboratories]]
... Greater Sense of Academic Misfit That Leads to Lower Chemistry Grades]]
* [[https://pubs.acs.org/
d-after-boiling-water-in-electric-kettle-for-many-weeks|White powder observed after boiling water in electric kettle for many weeks]]
* [[http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/39874/conflict-between-organic-and-physical-chemists-explaining-the-intensities-of-ir|Conflict Between Organic and Physical Chemists--explaining the i
entrée : un clavier, une souris, un scanner, une webcam, un microphone,...
* en sortie : un écran, ... ions :
* “Originally one thought that if there were a half dozen large computers in [the United Sta... atories, this would take care of all requirements we had throughout the country.” Howard H. Aiken, 195... ook or less last year. The whole conception is flawed at the top because people don’t read anymore.” S
ls, longueurs, styles,...
* [[https://www.profweb.ca/publications/dossiers/planifier-realiser-et-d... vidéos scientifiques que l'on peut trouver via le web sont de qualité variable. Leur utilisation doit ... es (à investiguer) :
* [[http://portaileduc.net/website/creer-des-capsules-video/|Créer des capsules... s différentes)
* [[https://bigbluebutton.org/]] web conferencing system designed for online learning
Boyle dans la seconde édition de "The Spring and Weight of the Air". | 1662 | |
| | 1665 |Hooke... au rayon du tube. | 1670 | |
| | 1673 |Leeuwenhoeck décrit l'observation de globules rouges dan... blanchir les tissus. \\ L'Allemand Carl Friedrich Wenzel montre que la vitesse de dissolution d'un mét... 31, et le Suédois Johan Edvard Lundstrom en 1855. Web2 \\ Nicéphore Niépce réalise la plus ancienne ph
hang, Paul A. Kirschner, William W. Cobern, John Sweller, Educational Policy. Educ Psychol Rev (2021) ... et la pratique éducative (Robinson et al., 2013 ; Wecker, 2013). Nous avons indiqué qu'un grand nombre... ses en œuvre d'interventions (Renkl, 2013, 2015 ; Wecker, 2013). Cependant, nous soutenons deux points... in Zhang, Paul Kirschner, William Cobern et John Sweller. Il mérite d'être lu dans son intégralité et
I will review when I have finished reading it.
However, in this necessarily brief post I am going to ... the available evidence suggests that they are flawed. They feel [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truthi... strategies – students might enjoy it, perhaps. However, some strategies that are supposed to be based... what does this bit do?’ I spent at least the next week wondering whether an eruption of soiled water w
impact on actual practices. As veteran teachers, we’ve seen many teaching practices and technological... with reports of strikingly positive results, followed by the growth of doubts and negative results, le... ctice by only a limited number of adherents.
Are we being cynical? If wewere to synthesize current trends in pedagogy, we would conclude that the best t
s officiels de l'UMONS sont disponibles [[https://web.umons.ac.be/fr/enseignement/lenseignement-superi... qué (cf. l'annonce sur les pages UMONS [[https://web.umons.ac.be/efe/event/seance-dinformation-aess-c... UMONS]].
Horaire indicatif (vérifier sur le site web des horaires UMONS) des premières séances des co... matin. Les horaires sont accessibles sur le site web : [[http://www.umons.ac.be/horaires]]. Du poin
string.ascii_lowercase # 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
string.ascii_... first character becomes uppercase) the string
s.lower() # all characters become lowercase
s.casefold() # more rigorous lowercase (languages other than English are covered)
s.upper() # al
ous Ubuntu
- dans n'importe quel navigateur web, via le site [[https://repl.it/languages/python3... via [[https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/welcome.ipynb|Colaboratory]] et l'utilisation d'un c... via [[https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/welcome.ipynb|Colaboratory]] <del>[[https://notebook... ]]
* [[urllib|Lecture du code source d'une page web via la librairie urllib]]
===== Jupyter, IPytho
cipitation Inventory]] Timothy N. Abell, Stacey Lowery Bretz, J. Chem. Educ.2019, 96(9), 1804-1812, DO... us: An Undergraduate Project on the Structure and Wettability of Natural Surfaces]] Anthony Katselas, ... .jchemed.9b00188|Alternative Derivation of the Maxwell Distribution of Speeds]] Francisco Rivadulla, J... ron Structure]] Zahilyn D. Roche Allred, Stacey Lowery Bretz, J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96(8), 1558-1570 DO
along with a couple of mini-whiteboards.
'Today we are going to be carrying out a reaction to make c... B and holds it up to the students]. Based on what we have learnt about acids, what acid do you think we need to use to make copper sulfate ?... Good, sulp... acid → copper sulfate + _ _ _ _ _ _ _']. What do we think the other reactant is?... Good, we could us