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23-09810-9|Happy Together? On the Relationship Between Research on Retrieval Practice and Generative L... u/edrev/index.php/ER/article/viewFile/2025/545]] Sweller, cognitive Load,... * [[kirschner-how_learn... ps://docs.google.com/document/d/106pVBmsDyFTmtzvv6wedvPjfJBVMM-g4mwvJ4zwDd1g/edit|Ressources externes ... s://www.apa.org/ed/schools/teaching-learning/top-twenty-principles-french.pdf|Les 20 principes fondame
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entrée : un clavier, une souris, un scanner, une webcam, un microphone,... * en sortie : un écran, ... ions : * “Originally one thought that if there were a half dozen large computers in [the United Sta... atories, this would take care of all requirements we had throughout the country.” Howard H. Aiken, 195... ook or less last year. The whole conception is flawed at the top because people don’t read anymore.” S
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option "register" ([[https://account.acs.org/ssoamweb/account/signUp]]), et ensuite de demander les "E... asp]], ainsi que pour [[https://magazines.rsc.org/web-reader/eic/|Education in chemistry]]. * [[te... stry Education Research at a Crossroads: Where Do We Need to Go Now?]] * [[https://pubs.acs.org/do... acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00389|STR120: A Web-Based Board Game for Aiding Students in Review o
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hang, Paul A. Kirschner, William W. Cobern, John Sweller, Educational Policy. Educ Psychol Rev (2021) ... et la pratique éducative (Robinson et al., 2013 ; Wecker, 2013). Nous avons indiqué qu'un grand nombre... ses en œuvre d'interventions (Renkl, 2013, 2015 ; Wecker, 2013). Cependant, nous soutenons deux points... in Zhang, Paul Kirschner, William Cobern et John Sweller. Il mérite d'être lu dans son intégralité et
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cipitation Inventory]] Timothy N. Abell, Stacey Lowery Bretz, J. Chem. Educ.2019, 96(9), 1804-1812, DO... us: An Undergraduate Project on the Structure and Wettability of Natural Surfaces]] Anthony Katselas, ... .jchemed.9b00188|Alternative Derivation of the Maxwell Distribution of Speeds]] Francisco Rivadulla, J... ron Structure]] Zahilyn D. Roche Allred, Stacey Lowery Bretz, J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96(8), 1558-1570 DO
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riter Roger Errera : <blockquote>Lies The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen.... his-northeastern-researcher-is-creating-the-tools-we-need-to-fight-against-it/|Tired of being manipula... his Northeastern researcher is creating the tools we need to fight against it.]] News|Northeastern, ju... ning-kruger-effect-explains-why-society-is-so-screwed-up/|The Dunning-Kruger Effect Explains Why Socie
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impact on actual practices. As veteran teachers, we’ve seen many teaching practices and technological... with reports of strikingly positive results, followed by the growth of doubts and negative results, le... ctice by only a limited number of adherents. Are we being cynical? If we were to synthesize current trends in pedagogy, we would conclude that the best t
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Un autre tutoriel en français]] * [[http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jrjohansson/scientific-python... sdatascience.com/all-your-matplotlib-questions-answered-420dd95cb4ff|Your Ultimate Guide to Matplotlib... ing data * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/5-powerful-tricks-to-visualize-your-data-with-matplotlib-16bc33747e05|5 Powerful Tricks to Visualize Your Data with Matplotlib
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nsite.com/|Azergy]] * [[https://www.highviewpower.com/|Highview Power]] * smart grid pour délocaliser fortement les productions et assurer le transp