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- python
- ts/canopy/academic/|Enthought Canopy for Academic Use]], nécessite un email d'une institution académiqu... oduct/| Doing Math with Python]], Use Programming to Explore Algebra, Statistics, Calcu... ] * [[|How to Use ggplot2 in Python]] (librairie plotnine) * [[http://plot
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- ] : **the US Federal government is supporting the use of open educational resources to provide equitabl... non-commercial condition: Implications for the re-use of biodiversity information]], Gregor Hagedorn, D... the Online Population Understands “Noncommercial Use”]] published September 14, 2009 * Paul Klimpel ... n Open Licensing Rule Now in Effect]] ===== Fair use en matière d'enseignement ===== (Belgique) * [[
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- r 4]] * janvier 2024 : The simplest way is to use the [[|Raspb...]... riable to the directory you want to clean up. - Use the date command to calculate the cutoff date. Th... es-for-display/|How To Format Date For Display or Use In a Shell Script - nixCraft]] * [[https://stac
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- calypse.Social Admin: “:ac_inspiration: #FediTips Use…” - Indiepocalypse Social]] (Une utilité de la no... fediverse guide.]] * [[|How To Use Mastodon and the Fediverse: Basic Tips | Fedi.Tip
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- (i386 ou AMD64) Trusty Tahr ===== <blockquote>I use Ubuntu 14.04.3 on recent PC and also a quite old ... . From time to time i tried KDE desktop but never use it regularly. Anyway some "K" applications are ve
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- com|@crash]] I'm thinking of those apps where you use it as admission to some venue and all it does is ...|@schratze]] The use case I had in mind today was a conference program
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- acy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use.]] * [AppFlowy.IO]( ... l]] * [[|Install and Use ffmpeg in Ubuntu & Other Linux - Full Guide]] *
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-|Difference between .pem and .crt and how to use them - Help - Let’s Encrypt Community Support]]
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