nts’ Ability to Work with the Periodic Table: The Use of Three-Tier Tasks]]
* [[https://pubs.acs.or... doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.4c00264|Evaluation of the Use of a 360° Immersive Visit of the Organic Chemistr... ifying Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Use on Multiple-Choice, General Chemistry Exams Using... pic of Electrolysis: A Comparative Study with the Use of Artificial Intelligence]]
* [[https://pubs
an extensive body of literature addressing other uses of tests for educational purposes, including for... 0.1007/s10648-023-09811-8|Encouraging Students to Use Retrieval Practice: a Review of Emerging Research... s10648-023-09761-1|How do Students Regulate Their Use of Multiple Choice Practice Tests? | Educational ... ng styles is enormous, very few studies have even used an experimental methodology capable of testing t
change.com/questions/5023/why-calcium-chloride-is-used-to-melt-ice-over-sodium-chloride|Why calcium chloride is used to melt ice over sodium chloride]]
* [[https:/... ry.stackexchange.com/questions/43167/why-is-borax-used-as-a-primary-standard|Why is Borax used as a primary standard?]] → **[[exos_pourquoi_le_borax_est_il_
still harbour concerns about them or oppose their use4,5. In a nationally representative sample of US a... a.gov/food/food-additives-petitions/bisphenol-bpa-use-food-contact-application|Bisphenol A (BPA): Use in Food Contact Application]]
* France : [[https://w... nci/article-abstract/110/5/509/4590280|Glyphosate Use and Cancer Incidence in the Agricultural Health S
e. This page contains all possible syntax you may use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the... it this page". If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playground|playground]] page. Th... u can **__//''combine''//__** all these.
You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too.
You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>,
es.wordpress.com/2020/04/28/12-building-blocks-to-use-learning-technologies-effectively-all-in-one/|12 BUILDING BLOCKS TO USE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES EFFECTIVELY: ALL-IN-ONE – 3... es.wordpress.com/2020/03/17/12-building-blocks-to-use-learning-technologies-effectively-building-block-... g-relevant-prior-knowledge/|12 building blocks to use learning technologies effectively – Building Bloc
ts/canopy/academic/|Enthought Canopy for Academic Use]], nécessite un email d'une institution académiqu... oduct/9781593276409.do| Doing Math with Python]], Use Programming to Explore Algebra, Statistics, Calcu... Expressions — cheat sheet - Many code examples + useful tips]] Valeria Aynbinder, Medium, 17/03/2022
... python_reference|GitHub - rasbt/python_reference: Useful functions, tutorials, and other Python-related
ant le propriétaire et le groupe : <code>chown -R username:groupename . </code>
* Changer les permiss... répertoire personnel : <code>chmod -R o-rx /home/username</code> ou <code>chmod -R 750 /home/username</code>
* ...
===== Copier et ajuster les droits, p... tilisateur pour les copies.
pour un utilisateur "user2", alors que vous êtes "user", créez un répertoi
* Connexion à partir d'une autre machine : ssh user@ip_adress (remplacer ip_adress par la valeur relevée, et user)
* Clé SSH (sinon, utilisation du mot de passe... le serveur
* ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@ip_adress
* tester la connexion qui doit fonctionner sans mdp : ssh user@ip_adress
* Configurer le réseau en IP fixe :
== Configuration =====
* authentification
* user : pi
* pwd : raspberry (attention, le clavie... 04?]]
* [[https://www.linux.com/tutorials/how-use-netplan-network-configuration-tool-linux/|How to Use the Netplan Network Configuration Tool on Linux]]... data + [[https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-add-user-to-group-www-data/|lien2]]
* [[https://askub
dvanced-tips-for-becoming-a-microsoft-teams-power-user-d1e544444656|30 Advanced Tips for Becoming a Microsoft Teams Power User - A complete guide to Microsoft’s competitor to ... Gb8|Zwibbler: The Javascript Whiteboard that lets users Draw on your Website]]
* [[https://github.c... borative Whiteboard that is simple, free, easy to use and to deploy]]
* [[https://github.com/pubnub
r 4]]
* janvier 2024 : The simplest way is to use the [[https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/|Raspb... ry Pi 3 avec la carte flashée préalablement
* user : ubuntu
* mdp : ubuntu (à modifier dès le 1... data + [[https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-add-user-to-group-www-data/|lien2]]
* [[https://askub... uestions/1115979/apache-permissions-to-allow-both-user-and-web-server-to-edit-var-www]]
* ajouter l
<code>sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a $USER</code>
(remplacez la dernière variable par votre nom d'utilisateur Linux).
* nom complet de l'utilisateur (ex : Virtual User)
* nom d'utilisateur (ex : vmuser)
* mot... CD d'installation virtuel). Vérifier votre login (user/mdp) et relevez l'IP du serveur par la commande
ion =====
La [[http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/installing.html|page d'installation de Matplotl... e-matplotlib.colors]]
* [[http://matplotlib.org/users/pyplot_tutorial.html#controlling-line-propertie... ple : [[https://openwritings.net/pg/python/python-use-scipystatslinregress-get-linear-least-squares-regression-equation|Python - Use scipy.stats.linregress to get the linear least-sq