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Résultats plein texte:
- psychologie_de_l_education
- rary Perspectives and Insights - SpringerLink]] **This special issue of Educational Psychology Review sy... d summative assessment. The research discussed in this special issue has important implications for the ... academics often don’t “know the masters”. Without this knowledge, they often redesign many wheels and ar... oulders of giants and bring the field further. To this end, I crowdsourced a question a while ago to col
- initinfo
- ed States], hidden away in research laboratories, this would take care of all requirements we had throug
- articles_didactique_chimie
- /|Was This Title Generated by ChatGPT? Considerations for Ar... //|Is this Solution Pink Enough? A Smartphone Tutor to Resol
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1
- domains have appeared over the years. Throughout this period, inquiry learning has been regularly criti... avor direct instruction over inquiry learning. In this vein, Zhang, Kirschner, Cobern, and Sweller (2022... ruction and reproached policy makers for ignoring this fact. In the current article we reply to this assertion and the premises on which it is based. We revie
- desinformations
- rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be... 018/06/18/tired-of-being-manipulated-by-fake-news-this-northeastern-researcher-is-creating-the-tools-we-... inst-it/|Tired of being manipulated by fake news? This Northeastern researcher is creating the tools we ... of genetic engineering technology (gene therapy). This pattern did not emerge, however, for attitudes an
- the_need_for_a_theory_of_learning
- ply ignore teaching trends. How did teaching get this way? More important, what can be done to move tea... . Yet we keep trying to find a simple solution to this complicated problem. We pursue simplistic soluti... lified to “fix” teaching. How do we break out of this unproductive cycle and move teaching forward? The... verconfident in their level of understanding, and this misconception influences their study habits. *
- stackexchange-chimie
- ://|Is this a violation of Equipartition theorem?]] * [[http://chemi... stions/43808/why-copper-sulphate-is-a-catalyst-in-this-reaction|Why copper sulphate is a catalyst in this reaction]] * [[
- rdkit @teaching:progappchim
- l = AllChem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) # technically this step isn't required since the drawing code # will
- notions_fondamentales @teaching:progappchim
-|Many Python Programmers Cannot Solve This Puzzle - A brief introduction to “Python under th
- notions_avancees @teaching:progappchim
- hon|Role of Underscore(_) in Python Tutorial - In this tutorial, you're going to learn about the uses of
- methcalchim @teaching:methcalchim
- m:start#les_librairies_scientifiques_essentielles|this]] (french) * [[|Matplotl
- teaching_ressources_videos
- l Using It? And will we keep using it when all of this is over?]], Simon Pitt, Medium, 10/04/2020 * [[
- presentation_principes @teaching:progappchim
- uilt-in function asin>, ... ... >>> math.__doc__ 'This module is always available. It provides access t
- cuisine_moleculaire
- uels sont les avantages et inconvénients ? Hervé This rapporte ou propose quelques expériences : * me... ine pour éviter la prolifération d'algues). Hervé This propose une autre expérience simple : <blockquot... els-i-was.html|Des références proposées par Hervé This]] (fixme - DOIs et liens) : * Regulatory Toxi... Sud * [[|Hervé This]] * cours du master 2 "Food innova
- ppoo @teaching:progappchim
- thon-64d6d84ebe7a|Create Data Classes in Python - This library will save you hours of coding]] Matteo, m