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- e. This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at the en... This is some text with some linebreaks\\ Note that the two backslashes are only recognized at the ... ver\share|this]] are recognized, too. Please note that these only make sense in a homogeneous user group... he english language file * Copy only the strings that needs to be modified */ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'
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- this link will be red: [[:start]]. Go on, follow that link and create the page. If you need help with u... t, just edit the [[:sidebar]] page. Everything in that page will be shown in a margin column on the side... FAQ on sidebars]] to learn more. Please be aware that not all templates support sidebars. ===== Custom... mmunity ===== DokuWiki is an Open Source project that thrives through user contributions. A good way to
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