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teaching:progappchim:notions_avancees [2022/12/06 10:39] – [Liste en compréhension] villersdteaching:progappchim:notions_avancees [2023/05/02 10:36] (Version actuelle) – [Générateurs et "yield"] villersd
Ligne 6: Ligne 6:
 ==== Itertools, zip,... ==== ==== Itertools, zip,... ====
   * [[https://medium.com/techtofreedom/7-levels-of-using-the-zip-function-in-python-a4bd22ee8bcd|7 Levels of Using the Zip Function in Python]]   * [[https://medium.com/techtofreedom/7-levels-of-using-the-zip-function-in-python-a4bd22ee8bcd|7 Levels of Using the Zip Function in Python]]
 +  * itertools.cycle() est une méthode utile pour répéter ou parcourir sans fin les éléments d'une liste ou d'une table itérativitertools.accumulate()
 +  * itertools.accumulate prend un itérable et une fonction d'accumulation, puis renvoie un itérateur.
 ===== Générateurs et "yield" ===== ===== Générateurs et "yield" =====
   * [[http://fr.openclassrooms.com/informatique/cours/pratiques-avancees-et-meconnues-en-python/les-generateurs-2]]   * [[http://fr.openclassrooms.com/informatique/cours/pratiques-avancees-et-meconnues-en-python/les-generateurs-2]]
Ligne 13: Ligne 16:
   * [[http://code.activestate.com/recipes/580628-pluggable-python-generators/]]   * [[http://code.activestate.com/recipes/580628-pluggable-python-generators/]]
   * [[http://www.datadependence.com/2016/08/pythonic-code-video-series-yield-generators/|Processing Large Data Sets With Yield and Generators]]   * [[http://www.datadependence.com/2016/08/pythonic-code-video-series-yield-generators/|Processing Large Data Sets With Yield and Generators]]
 +  * [[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/return-vs-yield-in-python-a-short-comic-f714465a0e92|Return VS Yield in Python — A Short Comic]] Liu Zuo Lin, 04/2023, Medium
 ===== Liste en compréhension ===== ===== Liste en compréhension =====
Ligne 24: Ligne 29:
   * [[https://iam-akshay.medium.com/python-one-liner-superb-tricks-c611aad98553|Python one-liner superb tricks]] Akshay Jain, Medium, 16/04/2022   * [[https://iam-akshay.medium.com/python-one-liner-superb-tricks-c611aad98553|Python one-liner superb tricks]] Akshay Jain, Medium, 16/04/2022
   * [[https://theanup.medium.com/10-powerful-python-one-liners-for-daily-use-8733dac0bc2c|15 Powerful Python One-Liners for Daily Use]] Anup Das, Medium, 22/11/2022   * [[https://theanup.medium.com/10-powerful-python-one-liners-for-daily-use-8733dac0bc2c|15 Powerful Python One-Liners for Daily Use]] Anup Das, Medium, 22/11/2022
 +==== One-line if - then - else (ternary operator) ====
 +<code python>
 +u = 10
 +v = 100
 +reponse = "u plus grand que v" if u > v else "v plus grand ou égal à u"
 ===== map, filter, reduce, lambda, pipe ===== ===== map, filter, reduce, lambda, pipe =====
   * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/write-clean-python-code-using-pipes-1239a0f3abf5|Write Clean Python Code Using Pipes - A Short and Clean Approach to Processing Iterables]] Khuyen Tran, medium, october 2021   * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/write-clean-python-code-using-pipes-1239a0f3abf5|Write Clean Python Code Using Pipes - A Short and Clean Approach to Processing Iterables]] Khuyen Tran, medium, october 2021
 +  * [[https://towardsdatascience.com/comparing-list-comprehensions-vs-built-in-functions-in-python-which-is-better-1e2c9646fafe|Comparing List Comprehensions vs. Built-In Functions in Python: Which Is Better?
 +An in-depth analysis of syntax, readability, and performance]] Thomas A Dorfer, Medium, 21/03/2023
   * ...   * ...
 +===== Walrus operator =====
 ===== Le rôle du caractère underscore en Python ===== ===== Le rôle du caractère underscore en Python =====
  • teaching/progappchim/notions_avancees.1670319549.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2022/12/06 10:39
  • de villersd