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- articles_didactique_chimie @teaching
- oduction to a Laboratory Practice That Rebalances Students’ Self-Efficacy]] * [[ .1021/acs.jchemed.4c01011|Introducing High School Students to the Amount of Substance, the Mole, and Avogadr... ps://|Students’ Ability to Work with the Periodic Table: The Use... ganic Chemistry Practical Laboratory for Pharmacy Students]] * [[
- psychologie_de_l_education @teaching
- om/article/10.1007/s10648-023-09811-8|Encouraging Students to Use Retrieval Practice: a Review of Emerging R...|How do Students Regulate Their Use of Multiple Choice Practice Te... perative learning instructional methods, in which students work in small groups to learn academic materials.... that among cooperative learning methods in which students study the same material together, only methods th
- adamboxer-approche_pas_a_pas_des_travaux_pratiques @teaching
- s step-by-step approach to practical work and see students’ learning improve]] * voir aussi : [[https://... desk | Sarah's walking route First, she gathers students to the demo desk, where she has all her equipment... 'copper sulfate' on a MWB and holds it up to the students]. Based on what we have learnt about acids, what ... Sarah remains in her position and waits for the students to carry out her instructions. 'You are going to
- 5_conceptions_erronees_courantes_sur_l_apprentissage @teaching
- uld have value as part of a range of strategies – students might enjoy it, perhaps. However, some strategies... So why do we have this intuitive preference for students figuring things out for themselves? [[http://lexi... y/KlahrNigam.PsychSci.pdf|In one seminal study]], students were randomly divided into two groups. The first ... his concept for themselves. Unsurprisingly, fewer students in the second condition learnt the principle. How
- biblio-10.1021-acs.chemrev.8b00020 @teaching
- ool: an alternative diagnostic tool for assessing students' understanding of the particulate nature of matte... 10.1021/ed1002509|Assessing Secondary and College Students’ Implicit Assumptions about the Particulate Natur... .com/article/10.1007/s10763-009-9166-y|Evaluating Students’ Understanding of Kinetic Particle Theory concept... 9500693.2011.636084|An Analysis of 16–17-year-old Students’ Understanding of Solution Chemistry Concepts Usi
- the_need_for_a_theory_of_learning @teaching
- ome excited when they try something different and students notice and respond to it. The problem is that the... comprehensive, empirically validated model of how students learn. Such a theory will be complex, stipulating... eachers must make their own assumptions about how students learn. Unfortunately, many teachers base their pe... xample, digital textbooks with embedded links for students to explore can help learning by providing a riche
- articles_didactique_chimie-george_m_bodner @teaching
- tions ===== * “It Gets Me to the Product”: How Students Propose Organic Mechanisms, Gautam Bhattacharyya ... * The Shrewd Guess: Can a Software System Assist Students in Hypothesis-Driven Learning for Organic Chemist... ing in Alternatives—A Task Design for Challenging Students’ Problem-Solving Approaches in Organic Chemistry,... 0.1021/acs.jchemed.9b00815 * Organic Chemistry Students’ Understandings of What Makes a Good Leaving Grou
- publis_diverses @teaching
-|Helping Students Connect Interdisciplinary Concepts and Skills in ... ability Representations Inventory as a Measure of Students’ Understandings of Particulate and Symbolic Repre... Simulation of Liquid–Vapor Transitions to Improve Students’ Assimilation of Concepts Related to the Behavior... es: A Spreadsheet Exercise for Physical Chemistry Students]] Arthur M. Halpern and Robert J. Noll, J. Chem.
- tmp
- Room Using Genially and WhatsApp for High School Students | Journal of Chemical Education]] * J. Chem Ed.... 01287|Using Games to Build and Improve 10th Grade Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Chemical Bonding... .1021/acs.jchemed.0c01132|Introducing High School Students to the Avogadro Number and the Mole Concept Using... Computer-Based Project for High School Chemistry Students | Journal of Chemical Education]] - [[https:/
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1 @teaching
- ch as the learning goal, the domain involved, and students' prior knowledge and other student characteristic... cate inquiry-based instruction, particularly when students’ investigations are supplemented with direct inst... ht an irony in the subject matter often taught to students during research studies on teaching methods: <bl... rs is unavailable. It remains a mystery to us why students, and only students, should, under unspecified con
- biblio-10.1333-s00897040769a @teaching
- htm|Acid-base Equilibria, Part I. Upper Secondary Students’ Misconceptions and Difficulties]], DEMEROUTI M.,... f Developmental Level and disembedding Ability on Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Problem-Solving Abi... === Acid-base Equilibria, Part I. Upper Secondary Students’ Misconceptions and Difficulties ===== DEMEROUTI ... f Developmental Level and disembedding Ability on Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Problem-Solving Abi
- biblio-10.1021-ed074p262_10.1039-b801297k @teaching
- teaching of chemistry. What do we know about how students learn in the sciences, and how can we make our te... teaching of chemistry. What do we know about how students learn in the sciences, and how can we make our te... ld be taken of learning styles and motivation * Students should consolidate their learning by asking thems
- biblio-roxci-arbrandriet-slbretz-umiami-2014 @teaching
- u/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1403694253|Investigating Students' Understandings of the Symbolic, Macroscopic, and... nt of the Redox Concept Inventory as a Measure of Students’ Symbolic and Particulate Redox Understandings an... norance through the lens of confidence: examining students' redox misconceptions about oxidation numbers, ch
- ressourceschimie @teaching
- otely]] * [[|How t... i-teach/using-investigations-to-engage-your-11-14-students/4012014.article|Using investigations to engage your 11–14 students | CPD | RSC Education]] * [[https://edu.rsc
- biblio-10.1021-ed086p1433 @teaching
- zing Multiple Levels of Representation To Enhance Students'Understandings of the Changes Occuring during Che... nostic instrument for evaluating secondary school students’ ability to describe and explain chemical reactio