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- articles_didactique_chimie
- -chemistry-online|Journal of Chemical Education - Resources for Teaching Your Chemistry Class Online: A Free ... l Escape Room at the University Level: Innovative Resources for Future Primary School Teachers]] * [[http... hemed.2c00199|Inconsistent Language Use in Online Resources Explaining the Mole Has Implications for Students... versation among Physical Chemists: Strategies and Resources for Remote Teaching and Learning Catalyzed by a G
- ressourceschimie
- tps://|Continuity of Learning Resources - Aurora Institute]] * [[ Covid-19]] * [[|Coronavirus: online learning resources | Education and Tr
- desinformations
- ly 9, 2019 * Rapports importants : * World Resources Institute * [[https://wriorg.s3.amazonaws.c... * Rapport final complet, juillet 2019, WRI World Resources Institute : [[|C... s à 483 millions de USD : [[ engrais,...) ? FIXME *
- psychologie_de_l_education
- ral educational practice. Thus, limited education resources would better be devoted to adopting other educati... les/Academic_Success_Center/How-to-Study-Teaching_Resources.pdf|Teaching guide]]** * //Cf.// particuliè... .edu/cebs/psychology/kevinpugh/motivation_project/resources/dweck_leggett88.pdf]] * Flavell, J. H. (1979).
- revision_cheat_sheets
- ://|Science Doctor - Secondary school physics worksheets & science teaching resources]] * cf. aussi [[
- epidemie_coronavirus @teaching:progappchim
- ng]] * [[|Top 100 R resources on Novel COVID-19 Coronavirus | by Antoine Soetewey
- biblio-10.1021-acs.chemrev.8b00020
- ) : collection of free research evidence-informed resources for effective teaching of difficult ideas, embedd
- biblio-10.1021-acs.jchemed.6b00361
- 1/acs.jchemed.6b00361 |Atomic Tiles: Manipulative Resources for Exploring Bonding and Molecular Structure]] ,
- biblio-9780321611956-chap14
- .org/merlot/index.htm|Merlot]] (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching) * ...
- carbone
- [
- fer
- /8/burning-steel-wool]] * [[|The combu
- publis_diverses
- 39/C7AN01447C * [[|A Century
- videos_chimie_sg
- level ideas about precipitation reactions with a resources framework]] + modélisation : [[https://www.youtub