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ique]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoFa59UUf-U|Cacahuètes chères et pas chères : pouvez-
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bidimensionnelle de cellules dans des canaux microfluidiques]] * [[teaching:exos:plus_ca_rate_plus_... /n3/full/nprot.2015.030.html|Statistical analysis of cell migration in 3D using the anisotropic persis... stent-random-walk approach to anomalous transport of self-propelled particles]] * [[http://journal... ct/10.1103/PhysRevE.90.030701|Anomalous diffusion of self-propelled particles in directed random envir
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utf-8 -*- """ Statistics on coin flipping series of given number of coins. Comparison with infinite mean solution : binomial distribution and Pascal's tr... ctions def nheads(n): """ return number of heads for n equally likely outcomes coin flipping
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y/Rotational_Spectroscopy/Rotational_Spectroscopy_of_Diatomic_Molecules|Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules]], ChemWiki UC Davis * [[http://rk... d.8b00431|Simple Acid Vapor Method for Production of HCl and DCl Gas for IR Spectroscopy]] Han Jung Pa... 8b00702|A Simplified Technique for the Collection of an HCl/DCl Gas Mixture]] Nicholas Bigham, Michael
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nts/7l9ef7/i_simulated_and_animated_500_instances_of_the/]], simulation * [[https://towardsdatascien... ability fundamentals - What are the odds that two of your friends share a birthday?]] Cassie Kozyrkov,... 23 people, there's about a 50/50 chance that two of them share a birthday."]] * [[https://twitter... 23 people, there's about a 50/50 chance that two of them share a birthday. With 50 people, it's a 97%
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253530| Faience polyhedron inscribed with letters of the Greek alphabet,2nd–3rd century A.D.]] {{ ht
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==== Fer ==== Source : Thermodynamic properties of iron and silicon. P.D. Desai, J. Phys. Chem. Ref.
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s/physics-experiments/optics/light-intensity/laws-of-radiation/stefan-boltzmann-law-measuring-the-radiant-intensity-of-a-black-body-as-a-function-of-temperature/vp5-5-2-1.html|montage expérimental]]) : <csv delim=;> "T(°... tion/260105752_Black_body_radiation_as_a_function_of_frequency_and_wavelengthan_experimentally_oriente
15 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
tion - génération de nombres aléatoires functions of interest : choice, randint, seed """ from random... for i in range(1): # choice : random choice of an element from a list print(choice(facepiece... create the list # seed(ANY_DATA) : seeding of the random number generator with any (constant) d... 9 # print rval # uncomment just to see the list of random numbers # analysis - histogram - see ht
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tribution, the formula, and the mean and variance of the distribution. I work through an example of the calculations and then discuss the cumulative distr
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on: The Portable Antiquities Scheme/ The Trustees of the British Museum ===== Énoncé ===== On lance
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quote>Lines in the pure rotational Raman spectrum of oxygen are observed at 14.381, 25.876, 37.369, 48... les molécules de [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spin_isomers_of_hydrogen|ortho et para dihydrogène]].
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bidimensionnelle de cellules dans des canaux microfluidiques]] ===== Thermodynamique statistique ==... Wikipédia) * [[http://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/Approfondissements_de_lyc%C3%A9e/Probabilit%C3%A9_discr%C3%A8te|Approfondissements de lycée en mathématiques, probabilit... ience4all.org/le-nguyen-hoang/the-amazing-physics-of-water-in-trees/|La physique de l'eau dans les arb
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