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- articles_didactique_chimie
- /toc/jceda8/current]] : numéro courant de Journal of Chemical Education** où vous avez la possibilité ... |Fil RSS des derniers articles parus dans Journal of Chemical Education]] * **[[ rch and Practice]] : journal de la Royal Society of Chemistry**, accessible sur inscription. Vous pou... []], ainsi que pour [[https://magazines.rsc.
- psychologie_de_l_education
- nd Insights - SpringerLink]] **This special issue of Educational Psychology Review synthesizes the lat... est-enhanced learning encompasses various methods of using practice tests to promote learning, includi... stions, and more. There is also an extensive body of literature addressing other uses of tests for educational purposes, including for formative and summa
- initinfo
- nditionnent les performances. * Les logiciels (Software) diffèrent au gré des applications. Ils gèr... ay in research laboratories, this would take care of all requirements we had throughout the country.” ... important operating system, and possibly program, of all time." Bill Gates, OS/2 Programmers Guide, November 1987 * "Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time" Bill Gates, 2004, [[
- publis_diverses
- ications intéressantes ====== ===== Dans Journal of Chemical Education ===== ==== 2023 ==== * [[ht... xperimental Procedure to Determine the Solubility of Potassium Nitrate in Water with Automatic Data Ac... /10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00309|Interactive Learning of Diffusion and the Diffusion Equation with Mathematical Software | Journal of Chemical Education]] * [[ht
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1
- he science classroom - A new plea to consider all of the relevant evidence]], Greg Ashman, 10/11/2021 ... seulement démontrer qu'un apprentissage plus approfondi est associé à de moins bons résultats au test... e that a more complete and correct interpretation of the literature demonstrates that inquiry-based in... tues and disadvantages and that the effectiveness of each approach depends on moderating factors such