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- wacom @floss
- tion "Area" "0 0 21600 13500" Button: Actions are not supported by xorg.conf. Try shell format (-s) instead. Button: Actions are not supported by xorg.conf. Try shell format (-s) instead. Button: Actions are not supported by xorg.conf. Try shell format (-s) instead. Button: Actions are not supported by xorg.conf. Try shell format (-s) ins
- stackexchange-chimie @teaching
-|Why is the minus sign (-) not allowed in Chemistry?]] * [[http://chemistry.stac... om/questions/44699/cucl2-has-colour-but-cucl-does-not|CuCl2 has colour but CuCl does not]] * [[
- psychologie_de_l_education @teaching
- of Using Tests in Education as Tools for Learning—Not Just for Assessment | Educational Psychology Revi... m/article/10.1007/s10648-023-09772-y|When More Is Not Better: Effects of Interim Testing and Feature Hi... unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions ... uments are extremely diverse. The most common—but not the only—hypothesis about the instructional relev
- desinformations @teaching
- any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody... ite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the
- notions_fondamentales @teaching:progappchim
- e conditionals in Python? Here’s when to and when NOT to use them]] Dario Radečić, Medium, 11/01/2022 ... que "+" (cf. [[|ici]])... rst occurence of substring sub in s, return -1 if not found s.find(sub, start) # returns index of first... ng from start position in string s, returns -1 if not found s.find(sub, start, end) # returns index of
- syntax @wiki
- o lowercase automatically, special characters are not allowed. You can use [[some:namespaces]] by usin... tyle from [[nonexisting]] ones. * DokuWiki does not use [[wp>CamelCase]] to automatically create link...|Mozilla Knowledge Base]]. However, there wil... | If you specify a filename that is not a supported media format, then it will be display
- articles_didactique_chimie @teaching
-|Let Us Not Squander the Affordances of LLMs for the Sake of ... ognition: Reflecting on How Another Student Might Not Carefully Reflect]] * [[ Electrical Potential Difference: Approaching (but Not Yet at) Equilibrium]] Leandro da Silva Rodrigues,... More Effective but Collaboration Support Alone Is Not]] Martina A. Rau, Kristopher Kennedy, Lucas Oxtob
- 5_conceptions_erronees_courantes_sur_l_apprentissage @teaching
- icating the actual behaviour of experts. This may not be optimal for learning but it could have value a... d to be based upon the behaviour of experts might not even reflect what experts do. For instance, the u... ide me, explaining exactly what to do? Definitely not. So why do we have this intuitive preference for... simply imitating the behaviour of an expert will not make you an expert, are there other shortcuts ava
- the_need_for_a_theory_of_learning @teaching
- ed, service based, problem based and data driven, not to mention massive, open and online. In other wo... interleaving, but those single elements often do not easily translate into the complex context of the ... that these are only the cognitive factors and do not even address social or other important aspects. D... hat kind of learning is likely to result?” We are not arguing that all pedagogies are equal. Some pedag
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1 @teaching
- as PISA. Funnily enough, these ignored studies do not tend to provide positive evidence for inquiry lea... g et al. argued that the case against inquiry had not been substantiated by Zhang et al. and, instead, ... open access so I recommend you read it all. It is not overly long. The de Jong paper is also open access. Unfortunately, the original Zhang paper is not open access. I will highlight a few points you m
- paradoxe_anniversaires @teaching:exos
- r. Do this for only 9 draws, and more likely than not, you've pulled the same card twice. Do it 16 time... ound 1,900 hands that it becomes more likely than not to have held the same hand twice. That's just 19 ... ople successively so that each one has a birthday not yet seen. This gives the probability of no collis... 're more likely to have a birthday collision than not. In the phone numbers example, sqrt(10,000) = 100
- altair_simple @teaching:progappchim
- tps://|python - Altair not rendering chart in jupyter notebook - Stack Overf... * [[|python - Not able to display altair charts in jupyter notebook
- solvents_data_class @teaching:progappchim
- 999): = name # 9999 --> not applicable self.bp = bp # boiling poi... print "-"*122 print "9999 --> not applicable; 9000 --> miscible" print def ta... print "-"*72 print "9999 --> not applicable; 9000 --> miscible" print # m... water (g/100g water), chemical formula # 9999 --> not applicable; 9000 --> miscible solvent_list = [] s
- adamboxer-approche_pas_a_pas_des_travaux_pratiques @teaching
- s important to keep our chairs under the desk and not in the middle of the path?... [discusses safety w... : that's the same. So when I tell you to go - and not a second before - you are going to get 20 cm³ int... deliveling it. * Use the staggered approach to not only help students carry out technically demandin
- config_ubuntu_server_rpi3 @floss
- tion time is older than the cutoff date. If it is not, then skip to the next file. - If the file's mo... skip to the next file. - If the file's date is not the first day of the month, then delete the file