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- desinformations
- ions" (ou erreurs, rumeurs, contre-vérités, "fake news"...) sont mal utilisées, voire détournées pour j... [[wp>fr:Désinformation|Désinformation]] * Fake news * rumeur, hoax * [[wp>fr:Rasoir d'Ockham|Ras... .com/pulse/les-relations-inces tueuses-entre-fake-news-et-publicit%C3%A9-jean-pouly]] (lien à reconstit... blanc...) : Les relations incestueuses entre fake news et publicité, 24 juillet 2017, Jean Pouly * [[
- psychologie_de_l_education
- rning-by-teaching-others-is-extremely-effective-a-new-study-tested-a-key-reason-why/|Learning by teaching others is extremely effective – a new study tested a key reason why – Research Digest]]... oom|Inquiry learning in the science classroom - A new plea to consider all of the relevant evidence]], ... learning and motivation (Volume 2, (pp. 89-195). New York: Academic Press. DOI : 10.1016/S0079-7421(08
- articles_didactique_chimie
- ://|A New Design of the Air-Aluminum Battery, Optimized for... een Chemistry Teacher Professional Development in New York State High Schools: A Model for Advancing Gr... ps://|Newly Designed Laboratory Course for Preservice Chemi... ps://|New Software Application and Case Study That Simplify
- timeline-chimie
- rapport au niveau de la mer. | | | 1687 |Isaac Newton publie son oeuvre maîtresse "Philosophiae natu... otidien, le "Daily Courant". | | | 1704 |Isaac Newton propose un univers mécanique constitué de petites masses solides en mouvement | |Thomas Newcomen invente une machine à vapeur utilisant une p... fectués par Francis Hauksbee et relatés par Isaac Newton. | 1718 | | | | 1722 |Par ses recherches
- plot_sinus_cosinus @teaching:progappchim
- ch plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80) # Create a new subplot from a grid of 1x1 plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ... f width 1 (pixels) plt.plot(X, C, color="blue", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-") # Plot sine with a green... width 1 (pixels) plt.plot(X, S, color="green", linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-") # Set x limits plt.xlim(... e=(10, 6), dpi=80) plt.plot(X, C, color="blue", linewidth=2.5, linestyle="-") plt.plot(X, S, color="red
- protoxyde_azote
- ]],, 09/12/2019 * [[ t pour protéger les jeunes du gaz hilarant -]], 10/12/2019 * [[ 38/s41586-020-2780-0 * [[
- cuisine_moleculaire
- , DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2019.12.019 → [[ arser coffee grounds to make a perfect espresso]] New Scientist, 2020 ==== La mayonnaise ==== {{wp>f... ert T. Mensinga et al. * Perishables Handling Newsletter Issue No. 87, August 06, A Review of Impor... ick-yolk-outside-white-inside.html]] * [[
- methcalchim @teaching:methcalchim
- Dichotomy * Secant method, Regula falsi * Newton-Raphson method * [[numerical_integration|Num... ergence Criterion of the Fixed Point Method * Newton-Raphson method (use of derivatives), quadratic... ,... === Non-linear systems of equations === * Newton-Raphson method === Linear and non-linear lea... n problems) * Nonlinear systems of equations (Newton-Raphson method) * Eigenvalues eignevectors
- potentiel_morse @teaching:progappchim:matplotlib_gallery
- 2 u,uh = V(r),Vh(r) plt.plot(r,u, color="blue", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="-") plt.plot(r,uh, color="green", linewidth=2.5, linestyle="-") xmax = 400.E-12 plt.xlim(... entiel plt.plot((r_e,xmax),(0,0), color="blue", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="--") plt.plot((0.,xmax),(D_e,D_e), color="blue", linewidth=1.5, linestyle="--") plt.annotate("", xy=(xma
- biblio-10.1007-s10648-021-09646-1
- oom|Inquiry learning in the science classroom - A new plea to consider all of the relevant evidence]], ... * [[|Cool new paper in a long-running debate - Who will win the battle of ideas?]] ... program-based studies.’ These are studies where a new curriculum package is compared using a before-and
- teaching_ressources_videos
- Simon Pitt, Medium, 10/04/2020 * [[|Attention: vous partagez avec Zoom ... vous ne pensez]], Pieterjan Van Leemputten, Data News, 23/03/2020 * [[]], [[]], [[]] ====
- diffusion_chimique_1d @teaching:progappchim
- es abscisses c=[] # la liste des concentrations cnew=[] # une liste intermédiaire pour l'évolution de... concentration initiale nulle au sein du film cnew.append(0.) c[0]=10. # conditions aux bords : forte concentration imposée c[ni-1]=10. cnew[0]=10. cnew[ni-1]=10. # print c t=0. # temps ite=0 # compteur d'itérations endt=2000. #temps fina
- representation_molecules_2013 @teaching:progappchim
- ase.get() == 1: import webbrowser new=2, new=new) if ImageCase.get() == 1: Draw2D(name, SMILES(name)) global photo phot... se2.get() == 1: import webbrowser new=2, new=
- plutonium
-|A new stable form of plutonium discovered at the ESRF]] 18/10/2019 * [[|A new stable form of plutonium dis
- initinfo
- st in two years' time" Bill Gates, 2004, [[|BBC News]] * “It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is,... .org/|Wiktionary]]| |Information|[[|Wikinews]]| |Son|[[|Freesound]]| ==== Dispositions réglementaires ====