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- notions_fondamentales
- lisible, plus générale. Cf. par exemple [[ at Make your Code More Readable]] (Jonny Jackson, Medium, 24/09/2020) Dans quelques cas, il est intéressa... when to and when NOT to use them]] Dario Radečić, Medium, 11/01/2022 ==== Structures répétitives ==== L... d'autres possibilités telles que : * [[
- matplotlib_simple
- ons in seconds using Celluloid]] Bruno Rodrigues, Medium, 13/10/2020 → [[ phes Seaborn/Matplotlib avec code * [[ ization with Python and Seaborn]] * [[ for (+30) Statistical Charts in Seaborn]] Anello, Medium, 02/04/2021 * [[
- notions_avancees
- ===== ==== Itertools, zip,... ==== * [[ in Python — A Short Comic]] Liu Zuo Lin, 04/2023, Medium ===== Liste en compréhension ===== * [[http:/... m/bearfrieze/a746c6f12d8bada03589]] * [[ de to Python List Comprehensions]] (Jonathan Hsu, Medium, 23/04/2020) * [[
- pandas
- iPy scipy.stats.linregress Method]] * [[ with a simple click of the mouse]] Parul Pandey, Medium, 24/10/2020 * [[ as for beginners and experts alike]] Byron Dolon, Medium, Jul 21, 2020 * [[ cience Best Practices with pandas]] * [[
- plotly_simple
- ots based on visualization theory]] * [[ 3e|Plotly Python: An Introduction]] * [[ n with Plotly]] * Dash & plotly * [[ s without having to learn a new library]] Bex T., Medium, 04/04/2021 * [[
- trucs_astuces
- ur Python knowledge and skills]] Erik van Baaren, Medium, Jan 5, 2020 * [[ Write Python code in a Pythonic way]], Yong Cui, Medium, 09/03/2021 * [[ actoring tips for cleaner code]], Pralabh Saxena, Medium, Jul 26 2021 * [[ s - that I use nearly every day]] Umberto Grando, Medium, 24/03/2022 * [[
- jupyter
- Announcing the new Jupyter Book]] Chris Holdgraf, Medium, Aug 12, 2020 * Sélections d'exemples : * [... 8a88c90|Intro to Google Colab]] Erich Hohenstein, Medium, 14/04/2022 * [[ s and usage tips]] Valeria Aynbinder, 29/04/2022, Medium ===== Exemples pour débuter ===== * {{:teachin
- ppoo
- need to know about Python classes!]] George Seif, Medium, 25/09/2019 * [[ s That You Need to Understand]], Erik van Baaren, Medium, 13/07/2020 * [[ Alternatives to Classes in Python]] Martin Thoma, Medium, Mars 2021 * Simplifications : * [[https://... s library will save you hours of coding]] Matteo, medium, 09/09/2021 * [[
- print_format
-]] * [[ plementation guide with code…]] Naina Chaturvedi, Medium, Dec 3, 2020 * [[https://towardsdatascience.c... make better use of f-strings]] Nik Piepenbreier, Medium, 08-02-2021 * [[https://python.plainenglish.i... 271d3efbd7d|Python f-strings Are More Powerful Than You Might Think]], Martin Heinz, Medium, 04/04/2022
- numpy_simple
- the Best Performance out of NumPy]] * [[ 020) DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2649-2 * [[ ercises - Includes code, explanations and questions from StackOverflow]] Raimi Karim, Medium, 04/01/2021
- epidemie_coronavirus
- e Novel Coronavirus 2019 Dataset, Sadrach Pierre, Medium, 06/03/2020 * [[ otlib a Little Less Painful!]], Nik Piepenbreier, Medium, 06/04/2020 * Graphiques et évolutions par Nico
- progappchim
- Monty Hall Problem with Python]] Ahmed Al-Jaishi, Medium, 25/02/2022 * [[]] : Lear... eed Boost In Your Python Journey By Building These Amazing Projects]] Abhay Parashar, Medium, 04/01/2021
- tkinter_gui_simple
- hon UI-library based on Tkinter]] * [[ re are two things to remember: | by Fareed Khan | Medium]] * [[
- algos_divers
- ]] ===== Références diverses ===== * [[
- algos_entiers
- /knapsack-problem-python-vs-ruby/]] * [[