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- python
- Cours introductifs,... FIXME * [[|]] : **site web permettant d'explorer interactivement des langages de progra... utilisation]], par Jean-Daniel Bonjour (EPFL-ENAC-IT) (FIXME : à suivre pour sélection des recommandat...|Runestone Interactive]] * [[|]] : **site web permettan
- logiciels
- rget Linux bare metal disaster recovery solution. It is easy to set up and requires no maintenance so there is no excuse for not using it ===== Mots de passe ===== * standalone * k... apt-get install python-pip". Then you can install it by doing "sudo pip install jrnl" * [[unison]] :...|3-2-1 backup strategy, what is it? | TechRadar]]
- linux_humour
- @crash]] I'm thinking of those apps where you use it as admission to some venue and all it does is show a QR code [[ d tables, and so I wouldn't have complained about it if it had been sent as PDF But yes, I do much prefer plain-text [[
- dokuwiki
- ation ==== <note tip>message à l'installation : "It seems your data directory is not properly secured...|blog:start - It’s boring when it works!]] * [[|blog:star
- ssh
- very slowly sends an endless, random SSH banner. It keeps SSH clients locked up for hours or even day... rwarding|How to Use SSH Port Forwarding]] * [Is it possible to tunnel https traffic via ssh tunnel w... r User](
- bootstrapwrapper
- ce wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable synt... ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access cont
- config_ubuntu
- .com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours), you can choose it depending of your personnal prefs. Personnaly, as... om time to time i tried KDE desktop but never use it regularly. Anyway some "K" applications are very
- config_ubuntu_server_rpi3
- dification time is older than the cutoff date. If it is not, then skip to the next file. - If the fi... the file's date is the first day of the month. If it is, then skip to the next file. - If the file's
- config_xubuntu
- extract-3 going nuts and I don’t know how to turn it off]] + [[ extract-3 going nuts and I don’t know how to turn it off - Page 2]] → **disable tracker3 as follows**
- activestateselection @floss:python
- /577723-2d-slice-of-4d-mandelbrot-fractal-and-map-it-in-3d|2D slice of 4D Mandelbrot Fractal and Map it in 3D]] * [[
- anaconda
- sfully-install-anaconda-on-a-mac-and-actually-get-it-to-work-53ce18025f97|How to Successfully Install
- dokuwiki_extensions
- plaintext" style for wrapped text, so you can use it in **%%<code>%%** or **%%<file>%%** box. <code t
- firefox
-]] Brief makes reading RSS feeds as easy and intuitive as it gets.
- linux
- ecursively copy all pdf files in a directory (and it's subdirectories) into a single output directory?
- mastodon
- doesn't *have* to mean losing ALL your history ✨ it's not complex✨ : - Set up a new account on yo