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- python
- Cours introductifs,... FIXME * [[|]] : **site web permettant d'explorer interactivement des langages de progra... ation Android sur Google Play]] * [[ utilisation]], par Jean-Daniel Bonjour (EPFL-ENAC-IT) (FIXME : à suivre pour sélection des recommandat
- linux
- recursively-copy-all-pdf-files-in-a-directory-and-its-subdirectories|How can I recursively copy all pdf files in a directory (and it's subdirectories) into a single output directory?... Mate]], sebsauvage * Arch Linux * [[|Top Arch-based... hat are Easier to Install and Use Than Arch Linux Itself]] * [[|Xero
- logiciels
- rget Linux bare metal disaster recovery solution. It is easy to set up and requires no maintenance so there is no excuse for not using it ===== Mots de passe ===== * standalone * k... apt-get install python-pip". Then you can install it by doing "sudo pip install jrnl" * [[unison]] :...|3-2-1 backup strategy, what is it? | TechRadar]]
- bootstrapwrapper
- ce wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access cont... xt and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use
- config_xubuntu
- stance, workspace indicator, dash to dock, recent items, Cairo dock) à tester ... * réglage des to... extract-3 going nuts and I don’t know how to turn it off]] + [[ extract-3 going nuts and I don’t know how to turn it off - Page 2]] → **disable tracker3 as follows** ... of Firefox snap" Error in Ubuntu * [[|[Solved]
- dokuwiki
- ation ==== <note tip>message à l'installation : "It seems your data directory is not properly secured...|blog:start - It’s boring when it works!]] * [[|blog:star... comparaison de logiciels wikis) * [[]] * [[htt
- linux_humour
- @crash]] I'm thinking of those apps where you use it as admission to some venue and all it does is show a QR code [[ d tables, and so I wouldn't have complained about it if it had been sent as PDF But yes, I do much prefer plain-text [[
- activestateselection @floss:python
-|Dragon Fractal Using Iteration Method]] * [[ /577723-2d-slice-of-4d-mandelbrot-fractal-and-map-it-in-3d|2D slice of 4D Mandelbrot Fractal and Map it in 3D]] * [[
- config_ubuntu_server_rpi3
- - Check if the file is a regular file (-f) and if its modification time is older than the cutoff date. If it is not, then skip to the next file. - If the fi... the file's date is the first day of the month. If it is, then skip to the next file. - If the file's
- ssh
- very slowly sends an endless, random SSH banner. It keeps SSH clients locked up for hours or even day... rwarding|How to Use SSH Port Forwarding]] * [Is it possible to tunnel https traffic via ssh tunnel w... r User](
- config_ubuntu
- .com/about/about-ubuntu/flavours), you can choose it depending of your personnal prefs. Personnaly, as... om time to time i tried KDE desktop but never use it regularly. Anyway some "K" applications are very
- unison
- old unison-gtk</code> * rmq d'un utilisateur : "It did not work completely until I removed the uniso... uide to Snaps in Linux – Part 1]] * [[|Complete
- anaconda
- sfully-install-anaconda-on-a-mac-and-actually-get-it-to-work-53ce18025f97|How to Successfully Install
- commandes_frequentes
- 017/4/more-unknown-linux-commands]] * [[]] * [[https://st
- config_ubuntu_server
- on Ubuntu 18.04? - OSRadar]] * [[