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Résultats plein texte:
- notions_fondamentales
- e4ed4|The Art of Writing Loops in Python - Simple is better than complex]] Yang Zhou, Medium, 03/05/20... {|}~' string.whitespace # ' \t\n\r\x0b\x0c'; \x0b is \v (vertical tab), \x0c is \f (form feed) string.printable # = digits + ascii_letters + punctuation +... l end — 1 position s.isalnum() # checks if string is alphanumeric s.isalpha() # checks if string conta
- calcul_matriciel_2012
- 12 from Tkinter import * from sys import * def is_number(s): try: float(s) retu... fen01.destroy () """ dim = entr1.get() if is_number(dim) and float(dim) > 0: fen02 = T... entree = entr1.get() image = is_number(entree) fen01.mainloop() ... fen04=Tk() r = invmat(s) if type(r) is str: b = Label(fen04, text= r) b
- notions_avancees
- prehensions-vs-built-in-functions-in-python-which-is-better-1e2c9646fafe|Comparing List Comprehensions vs. Built-In Functions in Python: Which Is Better? An in-depth analysis of syntax, readabili... * [[]] * [[]] ===== Programmation fonctionnelle ==
- jupyter
- ttps:// Juan Luis Cano: Jupyter (IPython); How a notebook is changing science]] * [[|Why Jupyter is data scientists’ computational notebook of choice
- plotly_simple
-|Matplotlib vs. Plotly Express: Which One is the Best Library for Data Visualization?]] by Is... s Scientific Visualization - Although static plot is the default option for scientific presentation, i
- algos_entiers
- will have the same sign as b (so that when b is divided by it, the result comes out positive). ... -development/python/code/216880/check-if-a-number-is-a-prime-number-python]] * [[http://python.jpvwe
- game_of_life_conway-2012
- n three or fewer than two neighbours; a dead cell is brought to life if it has exactly three neighbour... f.sizey = sizey #numpy.zeros(sizex,sizey) is a better choice, #but an additional depen
- numpy_simple
- o NumPy]] * [[|What is timeit module in Python?]] Chetan Ambi, 02/02/2022 (mesure du temps
- representation_molecules_2013
- ''' dText = {} dSearch = ... age Wikipédia possède un code SMILES if verif is False: #Si non, message d'erreur return
- analyse_images
- to grayscale data = np.asarray(im) # a is readonly print type(data), data.ndim, data.shape,
- fizz_buzz
- : count from 1 until N. Any number divisible by X is replaced by the word fizz, and any divisible by Y
- math_nombres
- aylor]] * [[]]
- matplotlib_simple
- key Charts in d3js with Python - The Sankey chart is a great way to discover the most prominent contri
- openbabel_jmol
- mol) mol = OBMolMinimize(mol) if filename is None: return mol # save structures in subfold
- pandas
- andas - All the Basic Types of Visualization That Is Available in Pandas and Some Advanced Visualizati