Voici les résultats de votre recherche.
Résultats plein texte:
- matplotlib_simple
- g("example.png") # sauvegarde de la figure # vue interactive de la figure </code> Le mêm... ") # sauvegarde de la figure au format pdf # vue interactive de la figure </code> ===== ... x] #plot plt.plot(serie_x, serie_y1, "go") # vue interactive de la figure </code> Pour ... _func(tvals), 'bo', tvals, my_func(tvals), 'k') show() </code> ===== Graphe simple de sinus et cosinu
- notions_fondamentales
- e un tuto : [[|How to Write Beautiful Python Code With PEP 8]] ==... /2020 * [[|How To Use For Loops Better in Python - A few functions...|How To Reverse Python Lists More Efficiently - Effici
- pandas
- .hist() plt.figure() df.Weight.plot.hist() </code> === Suggestions pour ajouter une régre... the Jupyter Notebook]] (The course will teach you how to use pandas to read, filter, join, group, aggre... ate and rank structured data. You will also learn how to record, remix and republish your analysis usin... merge : [[]]
- notions_avancees
- es) ===== * <code>import re</code> * [[]] * [[]] * [[ e : * [[|How To Replace Your Python For Loops with Map, Filter
- analyse_images
- !/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ show jpg image image jpg : https://commons.wikimedia.o... /Images/photos/Antoine_lavoisier_color.jpg') </code> ==== Exemple avec traitement numériqu... im = im.convert('L') #convert to grayscale data = np.asarray(im) # a is readonly print typ... datafft.ndim, datafft.shape, datafft.dtype plt.imshow(np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(datafft)), interpolation='
- jupyter
- /|Intr... ?v=rc9uvLgwPRA|Juan Luis Cano: Jupyter (IPython); How a notebook is changing science]] * [[https://ww... tplotlib * [[|How to produce Interactive Matplotlib Plots in Jupyte
- solvents_data_class
- .sort(key=operator.attrgetter('name')) # ... now show a table of the solvent_list table(solvent_list) ... st.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('mp')) # ... now show a table of the solvent_list table(solvent_list) ... st.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('bp')) # ... now show a table of the solvent_list table(solvent_list) ... es tris (solubilité ,...) bp_limit = 75 print "Show only solvents boiling higher than %0.1f degC:" %
- ph_acides_bases_2013
- rt en fonction de la concentration") elif pkaselect > 0: x=[0.0001,0.00... le en fonction de la concentration") #on crée un sample de données pour la lis... le en fonction de la concentration") elif pkaselect > 14: x=[0.0001,0.0... te en fonction de la concentration") #on crée un sample de données pour la lis
- epidemie_coronavirus
-|How epidemics like COVID-19 end (and how to end them faster)]], 19/02/2020, Washington Post * [[https://
- numpy_simple
- ires ==== * [[|How to do Descriptives Statistics in Python using Num... el("A(f)") plt.savefig('fonctions-fft.png') </code> Figure obtenue : {{ :teaching:progapp
- plotly_simple
- impress your boss]] * [[|How to use Plotly as Pandas Plotting Backend - Make i... ust Create Plots in Python, Go One Step Beyond - Show your visualizations in a web-based layout using P
- plot_sinus_cosinus
- ), np.sin(X) plt.plot(X, C) plt.plot(X, S) # vue interactive de la figure </code> X est... per inch # savefig("exercice_2.png", dpi=72) # Show result on screen </code> ===== Changer la couleur et l'épaisseur des lignes ===== * Doc
- presentation_principes
- ~NOCACHE~~ ~~REVEAL transition=convex&controls=1&show_progress_bar=1&build_all_lists=1&open_in_new_wind... ange(0., 5., 0.05) #plot(tvals, my_func(tvals)) #show() plot(tvals, my_func(tvals), 'bo', tvals, my_func(tvals), 'k') show() </code> ==== Calculs numériques (FFT) et graph
- pressions_partielles_systemes_non_ideaux
- (("acetone","CS2","somme des 2"),'best') def graph2(): U3= (np.log(x1)*R*T)+U03 ... enzene","toluene","somme des 2"),'best') def graph3 (): U1= (np.log(a1)*R*T)+U01 ... nzene","toluene","somme des 2"),'best') def abientot (): print "en esperant vous r
- codes_presentation
- nge(0., 5., 0.05) #plot(tvals, my_func(tvals)) #show() plot(tvals, my_func(tvals), 'bo', tvals, my_func(tvals), 'k') show() </code>