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- calcul_matriciel_2012 @teaching:progappchim
- (): """fen01.destroy () """ dim = entr1.get() if is_number(dim) and float(dim) > 0: ... while not image: entree = entr1.get() image = is_number(entree) ... z les valeurs de votre matrice') ni=int(entr1.get()) nj=int(entr1.get()) for i in range (ni): for j in range (nj): entries=E
- desinformations
- rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the poli... tion-de-viande-quelle-place-pour-les-substituts-vegetaux-113505|Consommation de viande : quelle place p... aths-attributed-to-not-eating-enough-fruits-and-vegetables/|Millions of cardiovascular deaths attribute
- representation_molecules_2013 @teaching:progappchim
- ets def ActionOnglet1(): FrameOnglet2.grid_forget() FrameOnglet3.grid_forget() FrameOnglet1.grid(row=1, columnspan=3) Onglet1=Button(root, text=... =0) def ActionOnglet2(): FrameOnglet1.grid_forget() FrameOnglet3.grid_forget() FrameOnglet2.grid(row=1, columnspan=3) Onglet2=Button(root, text=
- psychologie_de_l_education
-|Happy Together? On the Relationship Between Research on Retri... thods in which students study the same material together, only methods that provide group rewards based... enome-wide-significant SNPs. For the SNPs taken together, we found evidence of heterogeneous effects ac... ee that WM includes multiple subsystems working together to activate task-related information, maintain
- stackexchange-chimie
- mical-reaction-that-speeds-up-when-the-temprature-gets-lower|Is there a chemical reaction that speeds up when the temprature gets lower?]] * [[|Why does ice water get colder when salt is added?]] * [[http://chemistry.s
- openbabel_jmol @teaching:progappchim
- ol) ff.ConjugateGradients(100, 1.0e-5) ff.GetCoordinates(mol) return mol def OBStructureFr... riteFile(mol, "molecules/%s.pdb" % filename) def getAlcohols(): molecules = dict() molecules['... etab = openbabel.OBElementTable() dico = getAlcohols() for elem in dico: OBStructu... File(mol, "molecules/%s.pdb" % file_in) # get the charges of the atoms charge_model = o
- articles_didactique_chimie
- acs.jchemed.3c01258|Reprocessable Networks from Vegetable Oils, Salts, and Food Acids: A Green Polymer ...|Working Together: Chemical Safety and Education]] * [[https... 021/acs.jchemed.2c00342|Embedded Questions and Targeted Feedback Transform Passive Educational Videos i... Self-Efficacy]] Kate J. Graham, Catherine M. Bohn-Gettler, Annette F. Raigoza, J. Chem. Educ. 2019, 96(
- conversion_temperature_2011 @teaching:progappchim
- himie 2010-2011 from Tkinter import * def delwidgets(): for widget in F.winfo_children(): if isinstance(widget, Toplevel): widget.destroy() def affiche(titre, reponse): # Permet de n'afficher qu'un s
- gaz_parfait_2011 @teaching:progappchim
- dimension de la fenêtre 3 reponse= ((float(n.get())*8.314*float (T.get()))/float(V.get())) #formule calculant la variable à isoler => float permet le calcul d'un nombre à... fen3.geometry('180x30') reponse= ((float(n.get())*8.314*float(T.get()))/float(P.get())) if r
- tkinter_gui_simple @teaching:progappchim
- pression de la valeur du champ abcdef = champ.get() print(abcdef) root = Tk() w = Label(root, ... () # lecture de la valeur du champ texte_n=champ.get() n = int(texte_n) print(n, factorielle(n)) # éli... 1 return b def action(): texte_n = champ.get() n = int(texte_n) affichefacto.configure... * [[]] ===== Canvas : des rectangles et des mouv
- jupyter @teaching:progappchim
- 2.ipynb}} * {{ :teaching:progappchim:jupyter_widgets-01.ipynb |}} * {{:teaching:progappchim:jupyter_widgets-maxwell-01.ipynb}} * {{ :teaching:progappchim:... lob/master/index.ipynb|lightning]] * Jupyter widgets (ipywidgets) * [[|Documentation officielle (
- adamboxer-approche_pas_a_pas_des_travaux_pratiques
- could use just pure copper, but it's difficult to get that reaction to work. Instead, we will use coppe... I say go, if you are an A you are going to go and get the sulphuric acid and copper oxide. Put your han... books are closed and clear, then you are going to get goggles. So A will go get copper oxide and sulphuric acid, and B will tidy the desks and get goggles.
- ph_acides_bases_2013 @teaching:progappchim
- mpy import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_acide(event): """ fonction pour lire la s... tbox1.curselection()[0] seltextacide=listbox1.get(indexacide) listeacide= ['HClO4','HCl', 'HI',... tbox1.curselection()[0] seltextacide=listbox1.get(indexacide) listeacide= ['HClO4','HCl', 'HI',... à chaque cliq listbox1.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', get_acide) label=tk.Label(root) label.grid(row=2,colu
- presentation_principes @teaching:progappchim
- ator >>> print(sorted(d.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))) [('e5', 1), ('e3', 3), ('e1', 8), ('e2', ... w=2,column=1) fen01.mainloop() m1 = float(entr1.get()) m2 = float(entr2.get()) fen01.destroy() print('Masses lues : ', m1,' et ',m2) </code> ==== Tkinte... rel flag =0 # commutateur # Création du widget principal ("parent") : fen1 = Tk() fen1.title("Ex
- biblio-10.1021-acs.jchemed.8b00378
- ====== Tampon en contexte : lingettes pour bébé comme solution tampon ====== Article : [[https://pubs.a... la création d'une solution tampon à l'aide de lingettes pour bébé et de l'eau dé-ionisée. L'expérience... e 0,50 mol/ L | 10 mL de 0,50 mol/L | 8 lingettes pour bébé | | | Ammoniac/ion... arer une solution tampon obtenue à partir de 8 lingettes pour bébé. Pour ce faire, les étudiants devrai