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floss:linux [2022/03/17 09:37] – [Principales distributions :] villersdfloss:linux [2024/05/08 23:07] (Version actuelle) villersd
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 ====== Linux ====== ====== Linux ======
   * [[raspberry_pi|Raspberry Pi]]   * [[raspberry_pi|Raspberry Pi]]
-  * [[config_xubuntu|Configuration type d'un PC sous Xubuntu]], 20.04 Focal Fossa+  * [[config_xubuntu|Configuration type d'un PC sous Xubuntu]], 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish
   * [[config_ubuntu|Configuration type d'un PC sous Ubuntu]]   * [[config_ubuntu|Configuration type d'un PC sous Ubuntu]]
   * [[config_ubuntu_server|Configuration type d'un serveur sous Ubuntu]], 20.04 Focal Fossa   * [[config_ubuntu_server|Configuration type d'un serveur sous Ubuntu]], 20.04 Focal Fossa
   * [[config_debian_i386_convertir_portable_32bits_en_serveur|Configuration d'un ancien portable 32 bits en serveur Debian]], 10.3.0-i386 Buster (version stable de 2019)   * [[config_debian_i386_convertir_portable_32bits_en_serveur|Configuration d'un ancien portable 32 bits en serveur Debian]], 10.3.0-i386 Buster (version stable de 2019)
 ===== Trucs et astuces ===== ===== Trucs et astuces =====
Ligne 32: Ligne 33:
   * [[javascript]]   * [[javascript]]
   * [[VPN]] (2-3 trucs...)   * [[VPN]] (2-3 trucs...)
 +  * [[OneDrive]] (cloud commercial et propriétaire de Microsoft)
   * [[ecrans_multiples|Écrans multiples, directement connectés, ou d'autres ordinateurs, tablettes,...]]   * [[ecrans_multiples|Écrans multiples, directement connectés, ou d'autres ordinateurs, tablettes,...]]
   * [[reseau_routage|Réseau, routage, accès,...]]   * [[reseau_routage|Réseau, routage, accès,...]]
   * [[https://devprogramming.medium.com/you-should-definitely-know-the-awesome-bash-keyboard-shortcuts-that-will-improve-your-productivity-1b83fa54f230|You should Definitely Know these Awesome Linux Keyboard Shortcuts that will Improve your Productivity]]   * [[https://devprogramming.medium.com/you-should-definitely-know-the-awesome-bash-keyboard-shortcuts-that-will-improve-your-productivity-1b83fa54f230|You should Definitely Know these Awesome Linux Keyboard Shortcuts that will Improve your Productivity]]
 +  * [[https://betterprogramming.pub/3-interactive-command-tools-for-linux-394ab0784247|3 Top Interactive Command Tools for Linux | Better Programming]]
 +    * [[https://github.com/peco/peco|peco/peco: Simplistic interactive filtering tool]]
 +    * [[https://github.com/dvorka/hstr|dvorka/hstr: bash and zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.]]
 +    * [[https://github.com/denisidoro/navi/|denisidoro/navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line]]
 +  * [[memoire-SSD-HDD-optimisation|Utilisation optimale d'une combinaison de mémoire vive, HDD et SSD]]
 +  * [[https://superuser.com/questions/477480/how-can-i-recursively-copy-all-pdf-files-in-a-directory-and-its-subdirectories|How can I recursively copy all pdf files in a directory (and it's subdirectories) into a single output directory?]]
   * Les commandes qui font gagner du temps en tant que sysadmin : (FIXME)   * Les commandes qui font gagner du temps en tant que sysadmin : (FIXME)
Ligne 68: Ligne 76:
 Divers : Divers :
   * [[https://medium.com/@TechHutTV/top-5-favorite-linux-distros-fe1bfb22374c|Top 5 Favorite Linux Distros]] TechHut, Medium, 23/01/2022 → EndeavourOS, Fedora, Zorin OS, Feren OS, Pop!_OS + Ubuntu server   * [[https://medium.com/@TechHutTV/top-5-favorite-linux-distros-fe1bfb22374c|Top 5 Favorite Linux Distros]] TechHut, Medium, 23/01/2022 → EndeavourOS, Fedora, Zorin OS, Feren OS, Pop!_OS + Ubuntu server
 +Distributions et window manager,... (à prospecter)
 +  * [The Ultimate Guide to i3 Customization in Linux](https://itsfoss.com/i3-customization/)
 +  * [8 Best Window Managers for Linux](https://itsfoss.com/best-window-managers/)
 +  * [7 Linux Distributions to Replace Windows 11 & 10](https://itsfoss.com/windows-like-linux-distributions/)
 ===== Autres distributions : ===== ===== Autres distributions : =====
Ligne 86: Ligne 99:
   * [[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/5-super-handy-linux-commands-that-everyone-should-be-aware-of-a70b08d2c635|5 Super Handy Linux Commands that Everyone Should be Aware of]]   * [[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/5-super-handy-linux-commands-that-everyone-should-be-aware-of-a70b08d2c635|5 Super Handy Linux Commands that Everyone Should be Aware of]]
   * [[https://betterprogramming.pub/23-linux-server-security-tips-and-best-practices-b8c59b9b9e3e|23 Linux Server Security Tips and Best Practices - A checklist for SysAdmins to live by]], Thilina Ashen Gamage, Medium, 08/04/2021   * [[https://betterprogramming.pub/23-linux-server-security-tips-and-best-practices-b8c59b9b9e3e|23 Linux Server Security Tips and Best Practices - A checklist for SysAdmins to live by]], Thilina Ashen Gamage, Medium, 08/04/2021
 +  * [[https://medium.com/@tanav2202/getting-started-with-linux-6424b90df65b|Getting Started with Linux]] (commandes principales, Tanav Bajaj, Medium, 09/02/2022
 +  * [[https://dmerej.info/blog/post/symlinks-and-so-files-on-linux/|symlinks and .so files on linux - what you need to know]] Dimitri Merejkowsky, 18/04/2020
 +  * [[https://levelup.gitconnected.com/where-should-you-actually-put-files-in-linux-b740f05b79f5|Where Should You Actually Put Files In Linux?]] Tate Galbraith, May 2023, Level Up Coding  (/bin, /boot, /dev, /etc, /home, /lib, /lib32, /lib64, …, /lost+found, /media, /mnt, /opt, /proc, /root, /run, /sbin, /srv, /sys, /tmp, /usr, /var)
Ligne 100: Ligne 117:
 ===== Serveur, administration système ===== ===== Serveur, administration système =====
-  * [[https://yunohost.org/#/]]+  * Autohébergement 
 +    * [[https://yunohost.org/#/|Yunohost]] 
 +      * [[https://www.both.org/?p=2778|Host your own apps with Yunohost – David Both]] 
 +    * [[https://umbrel.com/]]
   * [[https://cockpit-project.org/|cockpit]]   * [[https://cockpit-project.org/|cockpit]]
     * [[https://www.linuxtricks.fr/wiki/debian-administrer-son-serveur-en-web-avec-cockpit|Debian : Administrer son serveur en web avec cockpit]] + [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw_fZKFqLpY]]     * [[https://www.linuxtricks.fr/wiki/debian-administrer-son-serveur-en-web-avec-cockpit|Debian : Administrer son serveur en web avec cockpit]] + [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw_fZKFqLpY]]
Ligne 134: Ligne 154:
   * https://dane.ac-lyon.fr/spip/IMG/scenari/ubuntu/co/Module_Ubuntu_Decouverte_Pratique.html   * https://dane.ac-lyon.fr/spip/IMG/scenari/ubuntu/co/Module_Ubuntu_Decouverte_Pratique.html
   * https://dane.ac-lyon.fr/spip/IMG/scenari/ubuntuavance/co/Module_Avance.html   * https://dane.ac-lyon.fr/spip/IMG/scenari/ubuntuavance/co/Module_Avance.html
 +  * [[https://askubuntu.com/questions/1413339/filename-with-colon-in-ntfs|Filename with colon in NTFS]]
  • floss/linux.1647506262.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2022/03/17 09:37
  • de villersd