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floss:config_ubuntu [2016/01/11 15:23] – [à suivre...] villersdfloss:config_ubuntu [2016/08/31 04:11] (Version actuelle) villersd
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 ====== Configuration type d'un PC sous Ubuntu ====== ====== Configuration type d'un PC sous Ubuntu ======
 +Présentation générale de Ubuntu : [[http://dane.ac-lyon.fr/spip/GNU-Linux-Ubuntu-de-la-decouverte-298?ticket=]]
 Configuration pour usage général et scientifique. Configuration pour usage général et scientifique.
-===== Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (i386 ou AMD64) Trusty Tahr =====+===== Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (i386 ou AMD64) Xenial Xerus ===== 
 +  * [[http://linuxblog.darkduck.com/2016/05/xubuntu-1604-not-for-linux-beginners.html]]
 ==== à suivre... ==== ==== à suivre... ====
 +===== Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (i386 ou AMD64) Trusty Tahr =====
 <blockquote>I use Ubuntu 14.04.3 on recent PC and also a quite old Dell laptop (7 years). This is the last LTS (long term support) version. Kernel will be upgraded according https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=14.04.x+Ubuntu+Kernel+Support+Schedule.png until Apr 2019. Depending specific case, you could install and stay on Ubuntu 14.04.1, or better migrate with a dist-upgrade in july 2016 towards the next 16.04.1 LTS <blockquote>I use Ubuntu 14.04.3 on recent PC and also a quite old Dell laptop (7 years). This is the last LTS (long term support) version. Kernel will be upgraded according https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=14.04.x+Ubuntu+Kernel+Support+Schedule.png until Apr 2019. Depending specific case, you could install and stay on Ubuntu 14.04.1, or better migrate with a dist-upgrade in july 2016 towards the next 16.04.1 LTS
  • floss/config_ubuntu.1452522197.txt.gz
  • Dernière modification : 2016/01/11 15:23
  • de villersd