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- methcalchim
- |]] interactive tutorial with code execution * [[ al environments * Anaconda Navigator includes extensive documentation (on anaconda website and ded... rosoft Azure Notebooks environment can be used to execute sample codes, using a professionnal, person... "divide by zero" errors and pivot solutions * extension towards the matrix inversion * lower-u
- system_of_linear_equations
- used to solve such problem allow to introduce and experiment on [[wp>Time_complexity]], considering cu... timeit module ===== Jupyter notebooks ===== * Example file (to be continued) : [[https://notebooks... plied_to_chemistry/Gauss-Jordan-01.ipynb]] ===== Exercices and applications ===== * Exercices : * write a python function for diagonalisation with
- numerical_methods_for_ordinary_differential_equations
- redictor–corrector method]] * [[wp>Richardson_extrapolation|Richardson extrapolation]] ===== Applications ===== * chemical kinetics * population ... * [[]], i... upyter-widgets/ipywidgets/blob/master/docs/source/examples/Lorenz%20Differential%20Equations.ipynb]]
- partial_differential_equation
- ves * Time discretization, Euler approximation, explicit and implicit schemes * Laplace equation (... ial differential equation) * Error propagation, explicit //vs// implicit schemes, semi-implicit meth... chemical diffusion in heterogeneous media * ion exchange chromatography ===== References ===== *
- eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors
- llisional relaxation via eigenfunction-eigenvalue expansion: Analysis of a simple case]] Wendell Forst