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Résultats plein texte:
- tkinter_gui_simple
- kinter import * def action(): print("Yes, we can !") root = Tk() #w = Label(root, text="Bonjour!"... kinter import * def action(): print("Yes, we can !") root = Tk() #w = Label(root, text="Bonjour!"... kinter import * def action(): print("Yes, we can !") # impression de la valeur du champ ab... 1 return b def action(): print("Yes, we can !") root=Tk() #w=Label(root, text="Bonjour!") c
- random_walk_2d-simple
- re traité en utilisant l'interface Tkinter et les canevas. Voici un programme de base : <code python ... nge from time import sleep def simu_chain(): can1.delete(ALL) long=8 # les 4 directions so... ,yn=xo+direction[d][0],yo+direction[d][1] can1.create_line(xo,yo,xn,yn,width=1,fill='black') ... 50) # attends 50 ms entre chaque segment can1.update_idletasks() # pour redessiner à chaque fo
- notions_fondamentales
- For Loops Better in Python - A few functions that can improve your looping logic]] Yong Cui, Medium, Ja... * [[]] ==== Les ... [[|How can I implement a tree in Python? Are there any built
- codes_presentation
- nt('Masses lues : ', m1,' et ',m2) </code> ==== Canvas Tkinter : rebond d'une balle ==== <code pyth... x if y1 < 0 or y1 > 220: vy = -vy can1.coords(oval1,x1,y1,x1+30,y1+30) if flag >0: ... avec Tkinter") # création des widgets "enfants" : can1 = Canvas(fen1,bg='dark grey',height=250, width=250) can1.pack(side=LEFT, padx =5, pady =5) oval1 = ca
- presentation_principes
- x if y1 < 0 or y1 > 220: vy = -vy can1.coords(oval1,x1,y1,x1+30,y1+30) if flag >0: ... avec Tkinter") # création des widgets "enfants" : can1 = Canvas(fen1,bg='dark grey',height=250, width=250) can1.pack(side=LEFT, padx =5, pady =5) oval1 = can1.crea
- progappchim
-]] * Canada : [[]] * UK : [[]] * Australia : [[ht... /42881722643/the-familiar-trigonometric-functions-can-be]] * Illustration dynamique de séries de Fo... “Topo” Surfaces: Buffer Ridges, Equivalence Point Canyons and Dilution Ramps]] ou [[https://pubs.acs.or
- ph_courbe_titrage_2011
- mnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5) #création d'un widget 'Canvas' contenant une image bitmap : can1 = Canvas(fen1, width =370, height =600, bg ='white') photo = PhotoImage(file ='216_pH_Scale-01.gif') item = can1.create_image(185, 300, image =photo) can1.grid(r
- algos_entiers
-|If you have slow loops in Python, you can fix it…until you can’t]] (knapsack problem) * [[
- representation_molecules_2013
- nglet1, height=2, width=30) DisplaySmiles.pack() #Canvas ImageLabel=Label(FrameOnglet1, text="Représentation 2D :").pack() DisplayImageZone=Canvas(FrameOnglet1, width =200, height =250, bg ='wh... eOnglet2, height=2, width=30) DisplayName.pack() #Canvas ImageLabel2=Label(FrameOnglet2, text="Représentation 2D :").pack() DisplayImageZone2=Canvas(FrameOnglet2, width =200, height =250, bg ='wh
- ph-3d
- # this Python function operate on numbers and cannot be applied on ndarrays due to the polynomial r... 10(x[np.where(abs(x-27.5)<27.5)])) # only significant [H+] is returned Ka=1.75E-5 # acid constant (ac
- bioinformatic
- via l'interface Anaconda-Navigator, au départ du canal "conda-forge' ou par la commande suivante : con
- chemspipy
- a, la lirairie "chemspipy" est installable via le canal "conda-forge". Utiliser si opportun un environn
- jupyter
- s://|Juan Luis Cano: Jupyter (IPython); How a notebook is changing s