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66 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
de Florence Le Bras]] * Licence du MOOC : CC-BY-NC-SA * [[ determining whether these practices are supported by scientific evidence. We concluded that any credib... he present meta-analysis answered these questions by examining studies that included an evaluation of ... agnitude of the female advantage was not affected by year of publication, thereby contradicting claims
62 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
lieves anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lyin... d-to-fight-against-it/|Tired of being manipulated by fake news? This Northeastern researcher is creati... ing Handbook 2020 including the consensus process by which it was developed, see [[
48 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
.3c00557|Improving the Understanding of Chemistry by Using the Right Words: Why Is Talking about Compo... g─Fluorescence Analysis of Microplastic Particles by Secondary School Students Using Nile Red]] * ... 1021/acs.jchemed.3c00063|Was This Title Generated by ChatGPT? Considerations for Artificial Intelligen...|Step by Step to Make Augmented Reality Filters for Molecu
14 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
(copyleft) [[|Creative Commons BY-SA]]. Aucune inscription n'est requise pour la consultation. Vous devez v...|Why is the reduction by sugars more efficient in basic solutions than in
13 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
d, inquiry learning has been regularly criticized by scholars who favor direct instruction over inquir... y."]] The article argues that the evidence cited by many science curriculum and standards documents i... e case against inquiry had not been substantiated by Zhang et al. and, instead, the evidence suggests ... ween inquiry and explicit teaching should be used by science teachers. They were less clear on what th
11 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
opriétés photoélectriques du sélénium par Willoughby Smith | 1873 |  | |Jacobus Van't Hoff (1852 - 1... quides. \\ Le chimiste américain Willard Frank Libby montre comment obtenir l'âge de la mort d'organis... archéologues, les anthropologues et géologues. Libby obtiendra le prix Nobel de chimie en 1960. \\ Ily... . Townes l'appelle maser (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). | |Le biologis
pandas @teaching:progappchim
10 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
df[df.Age == 20].describe()) print(df.sort_values(by = 'Height')) print(df.query('Age > 25 and Age < ...|First Python Notebook. A step-by-step guide to analyzing data with Python and the ... .melt.html|pandas.melt]] (documentation) * groupby : * [[|Learn how to
methcalchim @teaching:methcalchim
9 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
inciples : algorithm and complexity * "divide by zero" errors and pivot solutions * extension ... ment Gradient Descent Optimization from Scratch]] By Jason Brownlee on April 16, 2021 * [[https://... cations/|]], learning bioinformatics by problem solutions * Machine Learning * Scik... med.6b00550|Learning Principal Component Analysis by Using Data from Air Quality Networks]], Luis Vice
matplotlib_simple @teaching:progappchim
9 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
e...) * [[ tions-with-seaborn-matplotlib-1579d6a1a7d0|A step-by-step guide for creating advanced Python data visu... 7b|Matplotlib — Who said it needs to be simple? - by Renan Lolico - Jun, 2020 - Towards Data Science]]... olin plot and dendrogram from the scratch, a step-by-step guide]] (Guangyuan (Frank) Li, Medium, Jan,
8 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
Equipment|SVG Collection of Lab Equipment]] (**CC-BY**) * [[ hèmes principalement de la chimie organique (**CC-BY-NC-ND**) * ... ===== Pictogrammes recyclage p... org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/94/Pressure_exerted_by_collisions.svg/271px-Pressure_exerted_by_collisions.svg.png}} \\ [[
notions_fondamentales @teaching:progappchim
8 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
side of string s s.split(‘,’) # splits the string by ‘,’; returns a list s.split(‘::’) # splits the string by ‘::’; returns a list s.split(‘ ‘) # splits the string by ‘ ‘; returns a list s.zfill(width) # adds width —... rite Ultra-Concise Code with Python collections | by Thomas Hikaru Clark | Oct, 2021 | Towards Data Sc
7 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
t They Mean in Practice]] Published June 23, 2022 by Routledge, 374 Pages 78 B/W Illustrations ISBN: 9... ifferent cultures, and its characteristics change by decade. A distinction is drawn between the good t... to our profession, yet one readily repeated even by teachers. More worrisome, its philosophy often ap... acities originate? How long have we been burdened by assumptions of ignorance and ineptitude within th
7 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
* [[|Taking a week-by-week approach to remote teaching | CPD | RSC Educ... rning-During-the-COVID19-Pandemic-A-Resource-List-by-the-World-Banks-Edtech-Team|Remote Learning, Dist... ing During the COVID19 Pandemic : A Resource List by the World Bank’s Edtech Team (English) | The Worl
6 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
/10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00362|Wetting Modification by Photocatalysis: A Hands-on Activity To Demonstrat... /10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00572|Let Students Derive, by Themselves, Two-Dimensional Atomic and Molecular ... ce To Readily Determine Nitrite Ion Concentration by Simple Colorimetric Assay]] Bo Wang, Zhiqiang Lin... e of graphical representations: insights afforded by modeling the varied population schema as a coordi
6 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
h Bray, Stephen L. Chew, William J. Cerbin Cited by : * [[ reports of strikingly positive results, followed by the growth of doubts and negative results, leadin... en descending into inconsequentiality or practice by only a limited number of adherents. Are we being... ood theory would guide both research and practice by organizing existing pedagogical knowledge, allowi
fizz_buzz @teaching:progappchim
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4 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
epidemie_coronavirus @teaching:progappchim
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polynomes-11 @teaching:progappchim
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ppoo @teaching:progappchim
4 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
regression_lineaire_2013 @teaching:progappchim
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representation_molecules_2013 @teaching:progappchim
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paradoxe_anniversaires @teaching:exos
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bokeh_simple @teaching:progappchim
3 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
solvents_data_class @teaching:progappchim
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tkinter_gui_simple @teaching:progappchim
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thermodynamique_statistique-exercices @teaching:exos
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tp_simulations_monte-carlo_2019 @teaching:exos
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partial_differential_equation @teaching:methcalchim
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algos_entiers @teaching:progappchim
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numpy_simple @teaching:progappchim
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plot_sinus_cosinus @teaching:progappchim
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polynomes-9 @teaching:progappchim
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presentation_principes @teaching:progappchim
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eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors @teaching:methcalchim
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numerical_integration @teaching:methcalchim
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
numerical_methods_for_ordinary_differential_equations @teaching:methcalchim
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
system_of_linear_equations @teaching:methcalchim
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entropie_melange @teaching:progappchim
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game_of_life_conway-2012 @teaching:progappchim
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notions_avancees @teaching:progappchim
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plotly_simple @teaching:progappchim
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
polynomes-12 @teaching:progappchim
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progappchim @teaching:progappchim
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
potentiel_energy_surface @teaching:progappchim:matplotlib_gallery
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