e l'UMONS sont disponibles [[https://web.umons.ac.be/fr/enseignement/lenseignement-superieur-en-federa... re février et juin, des [[http://portail.umons.ac.be/FR/universite/admin/cerp/rdv_rhetos/Pages/PortesO... nnonce sur les pages UMONS [[https://web.umons.ac.be/efe/event/seance-dinformation-aess-capaes-2021/|S... uvez aussi consulter la [[https://moodle.umons.ac.be/course/view.php?id=758|page sur l'agrégation de l
is is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to... * Belgique
* [[http://rejouisciences.uliege.be/wp-content/uploads/ressources/DP_EspritCritique.p... ecknews]] (journal Libération)
* [[https://faky.be/fr|Faky]] (RTBF)
* [[https://comitepara.be/|Comité Belge pour l’Investigation scientifique des Phén
in our field that every (young) researcher should be aware of ? What follows is a cleaned-up, alphabet... ink to the document itself. It doesn’t pretend to be complete nor definitive. Maybe it’s better to cal... rewards and individual accountability are held to be essential to the instructional effectiveness of c... the 12th percentile, they estimated themselves to be in the 62nd. Several analyses linked this miscali
us pouvez utiliser ce [[https://dvillers.umons.ac.be/blog/contact/|formulaire de contact]].
===== Le... oration - DEC)
* "I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important operating system, and possibly... 2 Programmers Guide, November 1987
* "Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time" Bill Gate... ====
voir aussi :
* [[https://portail.umons.ac.be/FR/infospour/etudiant/Pages/etudiants.aspx|Portai
kexchange.com/questions/37794/when-can-a-molecule-be-considered-freely-rotating-at-room-temperature|When can a molecule be considered freely rotating at room temperature?]]... m/questions/61406/why-would-breathing-pure-oxygen-be-a-bad-idea|Why would breathing pure oxygen be a bad idea?]]
* [[http://chemistry.stackexchange.com/
n science : //cf.// le [[http://www.gallilex.cfwb.be/fr/leg_res_01.php?ncda=41032&referant=l02&bck_ncd... de base" :
* [[http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/mopdf/2015/01/20_2.pdf]] à partir de la page 64 (... 'annexe II)
* [[http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/mopdf/2015/01/20_2_2.pdf]], page 1 (page 38/52 de... énérales" :
* [[http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/mopdf/2015/01/20_2_2.pdf]], page 16 (page 1/66 de
up language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains all p... ly create links by default, but this behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If Dok... "local zone").
* For Mozilla and Firefox it can be enabled through different workaround mentioned in... zilla Knowledge Base]]. However, there will still be a JavaScript warning about trying to open a Windo
du Mapathon 2019
* Les [[http://linus.umons.ac.be/Instructions_FR.pdf|instructions pour faire de la... itaire libre "HOT OSM"]] ([[http://linus.umons.ac.be/Instructions_FR.docx|source]])
* [[http://www.o... de présentation =====
{{ http://linus.umons.ac.be/Mapathon_general_presentation_UK.mp4 }}
===== Pr... l de MSF Belgique =====
{{ http://linus.umons.ac.be/2019_National_Mapathon_MSF_presentation_FR.mp4 }
du Mapathon 2020
* Les [[http://linus.umons.ac.be/Instructions_FR.pdf|instructions pour faire de la... itaire libre "HOT OSM"]] ([[http://linus.umons.ac.be/Instructions_FR.docx|source]])
* [[http://www.o... de présentation =====
{{ http://linus.umons.ac.be/Mapathon_general_presentation_UK.mp4 }}
===== Pr... vidéos pour débutants]]
* [[http://www.umons.ac.be/Mapathon|Page UMONS sur le mapathon de l'année en
|Science in School]]
* [[http://www.reseau-idee.be/|Réseau Idée]]
* [[http://www.ralentirtravaux.c... ndateur de wikipedia :
* [[http://www.uclouvain.be/605149.html]]
* [[http://www.lesoir.be/1066548/article/actualite/fil-info/fil-info-belgique/2015-12... il-matiere/270/svt]]
* [[http://www.reseau-idee.be/|Réseau Idée asbl]] : Information et Diffusion en
FIXME à ajouter :
* https://dvillers.umons.ac.be/wiki/teaching:biblio-10.1021-ed2001957
Liens rap... tices on the Performance of Students Perceived to Be at Risk of Failure in Second-Semester General Che... acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01396|Will 2020 Be an Inflection Point in the Trajectory of Chemistr... doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00517|How Should Apples Be Prepared for a Fruit Salad? A Guided Inquiry Phys
* 10:20 : Short intro on OSM and HOT (could be based on [[https://github.com/osmbe/presentations... erts par les facultés d'[[http://portail.umons.ac.be/FR/universite/facultes/fau/Pages/default.aspx|Arc... ure et Urbanisme]], des [[http://portail.umons.ac.be/FR/universite/facultes/fs/Pages/default.aspx|sciences]] et [[http://portail.umons.ac.be/FR/universite/facultes/fpms/Pages/default.aspx|po
- X11 event to which the given button should be mapped.
ToolDebugLevel - Level of debugging tr... - X11 event to which relative wheel up should be mapped.
RelWheelDown - X11 event to which relative wheel down should be mapped.
AbsWheelUp - X11 event to which absolute wheel up should be mapped.
AbsWheelDown - X11 event to which ab
ffective when supplemented with guidance that can be personalized based on these moderating factors an... ation of inquiry and direct instruction may often be the best approach to support student learning. We... ttps://substack.com/redirect/963057bb-69a6-482f-b9be-a6e4f0f732c9?j=eyJ1IjoidWY3NmwifQ.nkbt328CGRnNLTn... ance between inquiry and explicit teaching should be used by science teachers. They were less clear on