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177 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
l purposes, including for formative and summative assessment. The research discussed in this special i... 023-09808-3|The Value of Using Tests in Education as Tools for Learning—Not Just for Assessment | Educational Psychology Review]] **open access** * [[... ogy Review]] **open access** * [[
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* effectue des actions en sortie (output) * Son aspect physique, le matériel, les composants (Hardwa... [[|UTF-8]] * Aspects [[ /|Aspects matériels]] : * [[http://fr.wikipedia.or...|Portail intranet des étudiants sur le site offi
122 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
//]], ainsi que pour [[ icles de Journal of Chemical Education ==== ==== ASAP and/or ACS Editors Choice articles ==== * ...... sélection d'articles]] sur : * Constructivism as a Lens for Understanding Student Learning * S... 021/acs.jchemed.3c00591|Introduction of Formative Assessment Classroom Techniques (FACTs) to School Ch
30 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
nd, ou vice versa. ===== Article de blog de Greg Ashman : "L'apprentissage par l'enquête en classe de... to consider all of the relevant evidence]], Greg Ashman, 10/11/2021 <blockquote> Un nouvel article a... démontrer qu'un apprentissage plus approfondi est associé à de moins bons résultats au test PISA, par ... g, Kirschner, Cobern, and Sweller (2022) recently asserted that direct instruction is overall superior
10 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
ization and Probability Representations Inventory as a Measure of Students’ Understandings of Particul... of Liquid–Vapor Transitions to Improve Students’ Assimilation of Concepts Related to the Behavior of ... 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00734 + [[ isually Demonstrate the Vapor Pressure of Liquids as a Function of Temperature]] Rodrigo Papai, Mayara