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17 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :|NumPy]] (array manipulations, linear algebra, Fourier transforms, random numbers,... * ... ization in triangular matrices * [[root-finding_algorithm|Root findings : equations f(x) = 0]] ... riangularisation and diagonalisation principles : algorithm and complexity * "divide by zero" erro... dant vectors * special matrix require special algorithms : tridiagonal matrix algorithm (Thomas al
10 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
tip>Numerical methods used to solve such problem allow to introduce and experiment on [[wp>Time_compl... ty]], considering cubic time behavior of standard algorithms and //i.e.// quadratic time solutions usi... g/doc/numpy/reference/routines.linalg.html|Linear algebra (numpy.linalg)]] : [[ des i+1 and i-1 * Using [[wp>Tridiagonal_matrix_algorithm|tridiagonal Thomas algorithm]] allows to s
6 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
Hermitian, orthogonality,... * [[wp>Eigenvalue_algorithm|Eigenvalue algorithm]] * [[wp>Power_iteration|Power iteration]], a simple numerical algorithm producing a number $\lambda$, the greatest... genvector $v$, such that $Av=\lambda v$. * LR algorithm, developed by Heinz Rutishauser (1958 ?)
3 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
s interesting to check these errors using various algorithm and mesh resolution. </note> * Equally ... for Equally Spaced Abscissas * 4.2 Elementary Algorithms * 4.5 Gaussian Quadratures and Orthog
3 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
findings : equations f(x) = 0 ====== <note tip> Algorithm used to find roots of an equation use iter... stow's_method|Bairstow's method]] is an efficient algorithm for finding the roots of a real polynomial... inuity of the function, and obtain one roots. The algorithm is based on a [[wp>Loop_invariant|loop inv
1 Occurrences trouvées, Dernière modification :
a5|Modeling a Wave on a String With the Finite Difference Method in Python]] Allain Rhett, 16/03/2022