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- methcalchim
- sing a professionnal, personnal or student login/account (i.e. student login from UMONS). The followi... * Equally Spaced methods (trapezoidal, Simpson), accuracy, error dependance,... * Gaussian Quadra... algorithm) * Reférences : * [[|An Open-Source, Cross-Platform Resource for Nonlinear Least-
- numerical_methods_for_ordinary_differential_equations
- -demo/blob/master/notebooks/Lorenz.ipynb]] * On active state * [[ haos using Lorenz Attractor]] * [[|Lore... , Nils Chr. Stenseth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jan 2021, 118 (4) e2017463118; D
- numerical_integration
- er integration calculus compare to [[|Employing Spreadsheets for Applying Calculus in Upper-Level Chem... . Educ., 2018, 95 (10), pp 1890–1893 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00193 ===== Références ===== * Nume
- eigenvalues_and_eigenvectors
- lisional relaxation * //e.g.// [[|Collisional relaxa
- root-finding_algorithm
- tion use iterations, and a numerical criterion to accept a solution when a sufficiently accurate value is reached. The rate of convergence depends on the
- system_of_linear_equations
- nd known number of arithmetic operations. * The accuracy is determined by the number of numerical fi